If this is aa hypothetical question, then you need to get a life
It all depends on whether or not they feel they are reasonably ready to have and raise a child, the health risks involved, how mature the people are, etc. She could be an angel. He could be a junkie. I don't see enough information to make my decision, here.
Welp. I think she should accept the consequences yo. Just my $0.02
The girl needs to face the consequences of her irresponsibility and have the child. If she is going to be engaging in adult activities, she should be ready to take on adult responsibilities. Not take the "easy" way out. Anyway, that's considered rape in many cases, and the boyfriend could get in serious trouble as well.
I would not ever think abortion is appropriate. You shouldn't be having sex if you don't want a child
Are you the one in this situation?
It would be her decision ultimately - her body, her choice. I'm not going to say she should or shouldn't because each person is different and each person has different circumstances and beliefs. Being that he is 21 and she is 15 would quality under statuatory rape and that would have to be taken in consideration. Hopefully the girl would be able to discuss this with her parents or a trusted adult to arrive at the right decision for her.
No...shouldnt have a 21 year old boyfriend, and be sleepin around with him...if she wasnt ready to have a kid. And he shouldnt be with any 15 year old girl unlss he was ready to be a man. Besides ANY 21 year old, should take care of what is there...and the girl they got pregnant. way. Responsibility...get some.
I don't like abortion much, but I think it's up to the girl. It's a hard decision and in her circumstances I wouldn't begrudge her a bit if she did decide to do it. As for the why, it's purely because it's a huge change in her life that will bring a lot of challenges she's not ready for.
an arrest of the 21 yr old is more app.
yes..there are wayyy too many things left in life to see and do.. i was in that predicament, i wont lie, i think about what could have been, and all the romanticism along with it, im 32 now, and though the hardest decision, it was best for me, what was my future ex husband, and all the opportunity i did not miss, including a little growing are not alone...
Totally depends on her decision.
HOLY snapps. Well.... Abortion since she can't take care of it or if she's against abortion maybe give it up for adoption. i actually know a 14 yr old almost in a the near situation... Actually she wants to get pregnant... by you guessed it. older man. Convincing her is tough. Ah but yes. Her choice but it's kinda cruel if the pregnancy is far along...
A few thoughts: (1) If you're not ready to have a baby, don't have sex. (2) A 21 year old having sex with a 15 year old is statutory rape. (3) Have you spoken to your parents about the abortion? Some states require parental consent before you obtain one? (4) How long have you been pregnant? If the fetus is considered viable--capable of living outside the womb (with proper medical treatment)--you may not be eligible to obtain an abortion. **(3) and (4) depend largely on the laws in the state where you are seeking the abortion.
Yeah, she should probably have an abortion. I think you should have a good reason before having one, but being 15 is a good reason. Where were the parents though? All this could have been prevented if they weren't sleeping on the job.
Every baby has the right to be born even if she decides not to keep her or him.
If it was what the girl wanted then yes. It is her life to live not mine.
Yes, she's too young to have a child.
Its not the childs fault so I dont think it deserves to be killed. there are other options to aborting a child. Carry through the pregnancy and give him/her up for adoption?? or maybe the grandparents would like to have custody of the child? Every baby deserves a chance at life.
As my Father would say,you made your bed,now lay in it.If your old enough to have sex,your old enough to raise a kid.This teenage thing is an american made tradition.When you are 14 in most countries you are an adult.Also abortion is murder.
Legally, it's statutory rape for a 21 year old to impregnate a 15 year old. Morally, it's up to the woman. Before you just let go of the child, please read some opinions of women who have been in your shoes at your age and how they felt afterwards, assuming you are the 15 year old. This is a decision only you can make. But it should not be dealt with lightly. Many feel (as do I and I have had an abortion, too late I was sorry) that life begins the minute the sperm and the egg unite. Since there are alternatives to keeping the child, abortion should not be chosen lightly. You can give life to this child, and let it be adopted. A far saner route for your sanity.
Yes. It is her choice to do so, and if she does she just might have a chance to become a successful adult and a much better parent in the future - when she is more prepared to take on that responsibility.
I have a 15 year old daughter and you have my sympathies for the situation because there is no easy answer and there are so many factors to consider. 1. The maturity of the girl in question: is she aware of the effects of an abortion, emotionally and physically? Likewise the effects of adoption or raising a child? 2. Is there family support? Are there strong feelings within the family pro or against abortion? What are her own feelings on that subject? (Were they different prior to becoming pregnant?) I have told my children I would support their decisions and have always done my best to do that, along with giving my opinion when asked for. This is probably quite a frightening experience for her - most of all she needs to know that she is listened to, supported and loved.
I am pro-choice. If the girl wants the abortion, she should have it (and there is a very good possibility that it is the decision that would be best for her, whether she wants it or not). Then, someone (her parents or her doctor) should discuss birth control and condoms with her. After that conversation, she should understand how to properly use both and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
I think it's appropriate for her to make her own decision regarding her body, her health, her life and her baby's life. In a perfect world, babies would be loved and cherished. In this world they are fortunate if they live long enough to take their first breath.
Even if that story you made up about girls competing to have the most abortions is actually true somewhere on Planet Earth, it's still their bodies to decide what to do with, not yours. Before scoffing about people not understanding the consequences of sex, look up some statistics about where teenage pregnancies predominate. I'll give you a hint: it's in places where abstinence is the only sex ed.
if she wanted it... she should be able to get it. its her life and her body making thiis her choice.
Her choice, not the churches or his. Her body, her choice. It's legal if she wants to have an abortion then she lives with it. Period.
If that is what she wanted then I would support her. However, terminating the pregnancy isn't really dealing with the issue is it. Why is a 15 year old with a 21 year old, where are her parents in all of this, who is to say that as soon as she has her abortion the same thing is not going to happen again as it often does with teenage girls in my working experience. Termination is only a quick fix in many situations relating to teen pregnancies and I do not feel comfortable with abortion being used as birth control, I don't feel that the real issues of why so many teen girls end up with an unwanted pregnancy is being addressed and until it does this problem will just become increasingly worse, also I feel that parents need to start taking more responsibility for their children.
I think it would be her decision, but I think she should own up to the consequences of her actions (and the guy should be sent to jail). Would abortion be appropriate? Not really, especially since most 15 year olds girls are physically mature enough to bear children. The least she could do for the child is adoption. I think it is wrong to force someone to go through pregnancy, but I think abortion for the sake of convenience is incredibly wrong.
Yes. It is the girl's decision if she wants to keep the kid (probably not, since she is too young) or carry out the abortion. Age has nothing to with it, except for the fact that it makes abortion a more favorable option since the girl is still a child herself.
It would be appropriate for her and her family to have abortion as an option so that they can best decide how to handle the situaion.
No, the baby didn't do anything wrong. Why should he/she be punished?
As long as the baby doesn't feel it, go ahead. By the way... Is this a hypothetical question?
no, if she was stupid enough to go around and do it she should take on the responsibility of having the baby.
Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. Not only do you throw away a life, but the mother can suffer long term effects, not only physically, but mentally. Adoption is nearly always a better choice. There are so many people out there who CAN'T have children. Give those people a chance; the people who WANT one.
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