• Marriage is about a partnership. Pick up after yourself, you lazy pig. +5.
  • no offence but dont be so shallow
  • No, you should do the responsible thing and hire a male escort who knows how to make her feel loved and appreciated.
  • Get a mail-order bride.
  • If those are the only two reasons you married her, I would say, "Yes."
  • Make sure you find yourself a nice women who will cook and clean up after you before you do!
  • Whaaaat! You gotta be kidding. If she doesn't cook or clean then that's just okay. It's not like that's her job as a wife. You gotta learn to do your part and share all the responsibilities.
  • Are you doing everything else? I mean if you're doing the yard, the pool, the laundry, the cars, paying all the bills, working all week ... then it would be nice to share all the chores. Either split it up and say she does everything one week and you do everything the next week, etc. or separate out all the stuff that has to be done and each responsible for their part. Failing that, as in she doesn't want to do anything at all, then you may need to evaluate why such a lazy person is your s/o ... maybe :~)
  • Do you love her? A wife that does not cook or clean might be depressed and maybe she needs to get some medical help. Do you cook or clean? Does she work outside the home? If she does not cook, clean or work outside the home, then you have a problem and she might need some help. You married her for better or worst. Just because things are not all sunshine and flowers, does not mean you dump her. Help her! That is what marriage is all about- helping each other.
  • No, you should get a MAID
  • You said "My wife don't cook or clean".....Im getting an image of what you look & sound gotta be one of these overweight armchair warriors that screams at his wife for wanting to take a shower and get dolled up. I can see the huge beer belly and man breasts, your wardrobe consists entirely of flannel shirts and stained wife-beater t-shirts and wrangler jeans from the 70's with a belt buckle the size of your inflated ego, you have crud under your fingernails, and you maybe bathe at best once a month. You probably have some b.o. and halitosis and you probably impregnated a few sheep in your day. I think you ought to get a divorce there sling blade. Do her a huge favor and let her get on with her life without you.
  • Is that why you got married to her?Then you should have told her that at the beginning.Maybe she would have reconsidered her intentions of marriage.I think the best solution is to get a maid now.
  • Are you doing your part? I hope you did not marry your wife just to have a cook and and house cleaner. If you are working and your wife is not, she should be doing the domestics at home. If you are not working and your wife is not, the work should be shared 50-50. If you are working and your wife is working, its 50-50 share time. If your wife is working and you are not, then put on an apron and do the housework yourself.
  • Yes. She deserves an 'out'.
  • do things with her
  • Do you cook and clean? prolly not from the sound of it. I mean that would be like her leaving you because you dont take out the trash!
  • Did she cook and clean before you got married? You should of let her know that was a priority BEFORE you got married.
  • Were those 2 conditions mentioned on the marriage agreement papers?If yes,did she sign on that agreement clause?
  • Send her to obedience school
  • If that's something you really need in life to get by, then maybe. But really dude, you could just step up your game to make more money and get a housekeeper. You might want to budget for that in the future.
  • Does she work outside the home? Is she also raising children? Do you cook and clean? Depending on the answers to those questions and some others...well...divorce might be good for both of you.
  • No you shouldn't get a divorce because of that, but you could be doing her a favor if you did. Why don't you help her out with the cooking & cleaning, esp. if both of you are working outside the home. I'm not sure why you got married, rather than just hiring a maid.
  • I thought she was the one wanting a divorce.
  • No You could always do it, or get a maid
  • I don't know what goes on in that house, but does she work? If she works then you should help out with the chores, maybe both of you can cook together make simple meals..If you love her you should stay married..Cause HOney she ain't your mamma..
  • So? Do YOU cook or clean? Maybe SHE should be the one throwing the little temper tantrum in that case.
  • Nope, you should only divorce her if she has sex with other men or women. You made your bed and you need to hire her a housekeeper and you need to cook.
  • no do not get a divorice i think men should start cleaning and cooking only get a divorice if you fight so maybe you should start cleaning and cooking its about time that men start cleaning and weman to start sitting around with our stomachs perked out like lazy gorillas like men do so take that jerk
  • aww someone misses him mommy :-( haha shes your wife, not your personal slave. Does she work? Raise Kids?? I bet shes on some other website saying 'my husband does NOTHING, should I get a divorce?!?' Something tells me that if you don't iniciate the divorce proceedings, she will.
  • did she forget to cook and clean when she was just your girlfriend? did you leave her then?
  • Yes, because that way your wife can meet someone more appreciative (Btw, I assume that this is a joke question, and I don't judge you harshly)
  • Does she have a job?
  • does she contribute in other ways? if she refuses to pull her share then you might want to consider it. if you are just upset because she isn't doing everything you could imagine then she should leave you
  • Okay, i'm going to assume you work & she does as well? As a wife i work very hard & so does my husband but we share in the house. To me there is never any reason for cooking or cleaning not to be done in any home. My husband does most outdoor work & repairs that are needed & even though i work i still cook & clean house though not as often as if i did not work. Divorce? No, but maybe a more equal splitting of the work. Sit down with a list & check off chores that need to be done & initial the ones that you both will take responsibility for. If she does not work, you just have problems. Good luck.
  • Im gonna have to stop reading answers at pg 2, because most of these responses are absurd. WOW ROFLMFAO. Especially meeting the stfu category is alfugazi, Adz3r0 is a good runner up. Yes, I am in the same spot. But it doesnt stop with cooking. I work between 60- 72 hours a week. No she does not work. Hasnt for most of 17 years. Yes I do cook and clean. If marriage is a partnership and she doesnt work,cook or have any intamacy, then where is the partnership? Yes, I do feel she should be doing the housework etc. If she worked and I stayed home you bet your fifth point of contact that I would be doing all those things. Or is it that the wife should be able to sit around all day doin whatever and whoever, pushing maximum density and it's supposed to be o.k?
  • No. Get a maid.
  • You should have known about this while you were dating or during courtship stage. She's not a hired maid who, when fails to do your bidding, would get the boot. You married her because you want her to be with you, not because she can handy around.
  • No because she's a trophy wife duh.
  • no ,give her a chance . take her to cooking and cleaning lessons .
  • Who said that was her job?
  • I assume you are working everyday and your wife stays home. correct? If so, each person has a role to play in a marriage. if the man is the only one working to provide for his family, then his wife should be the keeper of the house. The man can help with extraordianary events like painting the house. You did not tell us why your wife is not cooking or cleaning the house. Is she sick or disabled? Give us more information.
  • No, that's a trite reason to abandon someone and rescind an important commitment. First you try to talk together and decide what you will both bring to the marriage and how to make it better, what roles you each will fulfill, something that you should have discussed before marriage. And then work hard to make it work. Be forgiving and humble through it all. I doubt if you've been the perfect mate, either. So forgiveness on both sides is a good thing.
  • If this is how you feel about her not doing it, yes.
  • well if she's absolutly doing nothing in your marriage then yeah, sorry I have to tell you but seems like your relatinship is pretty dead
  • Only if she also picks on you for your poor grammar. Just kidding. :)
  • How is she in bed?
  • Hell no talk to her and tell her how you feel. Keep going this could be a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. Good Work.
  • Cooking and cleaning is OVERRATED! Try it YOURSELF, sometime!
  • Is this guy f&%$ing serious?! Are u seriously thinking of getting a divorce because of that?!?! Jesus christ dood u need to calm down. SHE should divorce U because u would even dare to consider such a thing. This isnt even worth my time or effort.
  • hmmm if she doesnt then u cook and clean :)
  • It really all depends on what she's doing instead, if she's doing anything at all.
  • Yo Dude you sure your speaking about your wife, its sounds more like you need a "mommy" then a wife. And if thats all it takes to get a divorce, hell my husband would have done that many many years ago!
  • That is not the point of having a wife. Love, companionship,emotional support...if these words are strange to you, then it's SHE who should be looking for the divorce! +4
  • I'm a single mom... work...go to school.... cook... clean....and EVERYTHING ELSE... Be glad you HAVE a wife!!! On the other hand, I sure would like someone to do SOME of the stuff I have to do!!!
  • If she is a good wife in other respects, maybe you should keep her. Divorce is a last ditch effort when nothing else works. Are you working hard every day, bring home a good salary, and in additon keeping up with your chores such as yard work, home maintenance and auto maintenance? If so, then you should explain to your wife how the marriage dutes are not divided evenly, and encourage her to do more on her part. You didn't mention if you had kids. Raising children can keep a wife busy.
  • what do these two things have to do with one another? it's like my saying, "my dog barks. should i get the mail?" if you married her for her cooking and cleaning talents, and you were up-front with her about that at the time, then maybe. if you weren't, no. if you didn't marry her for those talents but some other reason for which she is still good, then no. i suspect that neither of you are happy today. i don't know how much happier you'll be after a divorce though. just my three cents. good luck my friend.
  • well, if you married her strictly for maid services, and you let her know before the marriage that it was only for maid services, then yes.

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