• Daniel Boone would be insulted by this comment. As for what a bane is, I couldn't care less.
  • Definately a boone, If it was not for technology I would have little contact with the outside world,I'm running on generator and solar power, the technology behind solar is improoving all the time which is a boone for me.
  • Neither. Technology is, in and of itself, incapable of either harming or benefiting anyone. It is the uses to which we put the technology that determines whether it is a boon or a bane. For example, technology allows us to separate out chlorine gas. This can be beneficial in that a little bit of Chlorine added to the water supply can kill off harmful microbes thus making the water safe to drink. On the other hand, someone could open a large cylinder of the gas in a crowded store or subway station and kill or injure a lot of people. In one case, the technology to create chlorine gas is beneficial; in the other it is not. Technology, animals, drugs, etc. by themselves are benefit neutral. What determines if they are good or bad, boon or bane, is the choice that we make as to how to use them.
  • In my point of view technology is a boon as it is helping us today in a great manner to live better and easy life .It controls the world in which we live in .Though one can say it is bane but realy it depends upon us how to use it and for what purpose to use IT it has been used for good as well as bad causes SO ONE CAN SAY TECHNOLOGY IS A BOON THESE DAYS :) SUPRIYA MARKAN
  • I think technology is a boon. Glenn's answer is correct, I don't disagree that the human use of technology is what makes it good or bad. There's another angle I'd like to write about, though. Technology is the scientific study of practical arts. This means that, since a lot of our development and understanding of the world is done through science, almost every practical subject in existence is now, in effect, a technology. Where farmers in history would use a non-scientific understanding to produce better crops (and I'm not saying they were ignorant, by any means!), we now use scientific principles to work on producing better crops and more effective farms. That old knowledge is now technology. Really, the word has two meanings these days. Just as people use 'science' (the knowledge) to describe things discovered by science (the actual process), people use the word 'technology' the same way. Both can be a boon or a bane, depending on the use they're put to.
  • According to my research and observations nowadays, technology is both boon and bane. Technology is boon for it can be used in medicine, engineering, education, science, mathematics and so forth. In addition, by year 2020 the world will be high tech. therefore almost all the people will make use of computer in living. However, technology is a bane because I had read an online news that in London there are hackers that high jacked an online web and nowadays girls get profit through cyber sex, mostly minors are the victims. Some make pornographic CD's and DVD's. Technology can also be used in terrorist attack. You can do what ever you want through technology. Another reason that makes technology a bane because pirates have been spreading the world and poisoning the people.
  • TECHNOLOGY has always been a double edge sword,to have good we also have to face the risk of bad.According to me,technology is a boon as it is d technology,which allows us to keep in contact with d outside world,otherwise we would have been using d same old pigeon mesanger,it is d technolgy only which has proved a boon in fiedls like medical,now we human cloning is also possible all bcoz of technology,whch wud b a boon in d medical field,all thanx to technolgy,but we also can not forget dat wen technology used in wrong sense is a disaster,like it also created to hjave teroorsim attacks,ex,we all have heard of d serial blasts,aal dat was technology,it was d technology thru whch they decide which state n place b their next its a boon ,depending on d use of it.

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