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  • Your boyfriend is a control freak. Get used to it. I can't imagine why you would want to be with such a baby, but if that's what you want, you have to learn how to put up with it.
  • You let him kiss other girls. That could be a ton of fun.
  • close the set on the day of a kissing scene, or find him a job, that will keep him busy while you are working and don't let him see your work.
  • It might be difficult, but he'll just have to come to terms with it. Keep a professional attitude about the kissing, don't ever treat it (at least in front of him) like it's anything you get any pleasure out of. Otherwise, there's nothing you can do: he'll have to accept it.
  • Make sure when you kiss him its extra special
  • Does he have this reaction when you have to kiss a woman too?
  • If hes that jealous and insecure You're in for a tough time. Even if you gave in and didnt do scene's like that. He would/is still jealous and insecure and would find something else to whine about.
  • he needs help... it is not like you are a porn actress... if my wife was acting for something professional as long as her breast and crotch were not touched and she didn't touch someone elses crotch... it's all good
  • He should understand the "hazards" of your profession. This is your living, and he needs to respect that. If you wanted (REALLY) to kiss other guys, you'd be with other guys, instead of him right? Tell him that he has nothing to worry about, but if he can't stop worrying about it, it could eventually damage the relationship beyond repair. Good luck.

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