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  • The guy's money
  • I have met some that think they are doing right by their family, by staying and make everyone miserable.
  • Dont say all men, Just because yours does. I don't and neither do most of the rest of us.
  • the men that cheat are just nasty , dirty, sinful, men and God will get them in the end. Plus they usually have a great wife at home that really loves them and does everything for them and they know it and would not leave her at all, but they cheat. thank God not all men are that way. I give thanks to those who are not.
  • They like the home being taken care of, the in house sex, the home cooked meals and playing the game of acting like they're single...they get a real charge out of it.
  • I have friend stuck in this situation. She says she loves him, but he's a "real" jerk. She also said if she didn't just have her daughter with him, she'd leave him. She doesn't want to move back in with her folks with her child. Her folks don't take very good care of their home. They just let it go if you know what I mean. She's been putting alot of time, money, and effort in her land and home she's paying on. Her husband wants to spend his half on expensive guns and other things they don't need. I think she has just about had it with him, and is going to leave. Its much deeper than what I describled here, and I think I'll leave it at that.
  • of the guys that do cheat and stay in a bad relationship, it always falls into 2 categories, either they're stuck in a rut and they need to change their life, but are afraid of change itself or they're ego maniacs who hate becoming number 2 on the wife's priority list because of the introduction of kids and goes about it in the most childish fashion.
  • He married the person he married for a REASON.
  • They're scared. People like to be in their comfort zone. If they don't leave there family, they know they can come back if things don't work out the way they wanted them to. A lot of guys are afaird of change. There afraid to leave the relationship they've been in, because what would happen if the new avenue they took, didn't work out. They use the kids as an excuse, because it just that, an excuse. It's a way to deflect the blame from them to someone else. It's a way to make them feel a little less guily and responsible for what they done.
  • C O N V I N I E N C E ! ! !
  • some are afraid of being alone and also "it's cheaper to keep her"
  • I think its not exactly fair that this question is just directed about men. There are also women who are unhappy, cheat, and stay in their marriage. Some people stay for religious reasons, others maybe actually do it for the kids. Who knows?
  • men will stay in an unhappy marriage because they canhave the family life as well as someone on the side. Their thinking is "why not have the best of both worlds?" I also think they realize that there is much to lose from divorce both financially and emotionally. Using kids as an excuse for infidelity is pretty lame. I think when men get caught cheating they look for any excuse thats convient to their arguement.
  • They have to stay with their wives a moral duty and somewhere have a little love for their wives!
  • I think there are men AND women who just like that rush they get when they are doing something they arent suppose to be doing. I think alot of them want to stay in the relationship because most of the time when they get caught they claim how sorry they are that they dont know why they did it..bla bla bla...

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