• I live in Ohio, and my wife changed the name of her son without the knowledge of the father. So, I would have to say that it can be done. Just hold onto the court decree that changes the name. In later life the boy may need to explain and prove that his name was legally changed at some time in the past. An it is a whole lot easier to have the paper work at hand than to try to go back to the court and have them send you a copy of the original degree.
  • You can file a petition with the Courts to have his parental rights terminated & then you can file for a name change. They will simply serve him with these papers & if he doesn't respond or signs over his rights then it's a done deal.
  • No. Both parents have to consent to a name change for their minor child unless one of the parent's rights are terminated. I know because I went through this when my husband adopted my son.
  • Yes, I did this with both my sons. I did not go to court and it didn't cost me a dime! Very simple, the child just needs to start using the name he/she wishes or you and notify the school that you wish your child to start using this name. Then when they start getting awards or notices from school with the new name listed keep them. Notify your family doctor the same and insurance companies as well. When you have several documents with his/her name the way you wish it, go to Social Security and notify them that you have documentation that he is using the name of ... and get a new Social Security Card with that name. When your child is 18 have them file a petition and change their birth certificate, my oldest son did it and my younger son will when he turns 18. There bio father wanted nothing to do with them also, but refused to sign adoption papers! I could not financially afford to keep bring him to court, the next best thing was to move on with our lives and forget the past.

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