keeps the cold off.
same reason every other country does to drown their sorrows with sweet sweet scotch
compared to whom? im british, i dont drink much IMO
I'm British and i hardly ever drink alcohol! It's a small minority that spoils our image. Lets face it "Sober Brit On Holiday" is never going to make the front page is it?
OMG 1 glass is all Ive had! lol I wouldnt say I drink too much infact I know Americans who drink way more than anyone I know ok make that 2 glasses
Do we ? *opens another beer* Hmmmm...interesting :-)
It is a pub culture, and the local is the focus of many people's social life, and after a hard weeks work many need a blow-out.
Not all british people do - but there is a sector of society who binge drink - mostly young people - but that makes up only a small percentage of the population.
The weather? Boredom?
Because we bloody well can. ...and as a country have a massive problem with binge drinking, but that's alright :) I think it's the cold.
Because they are sick of drinking tea.
It's NOT JUST the British! lol
Why do Blacks loveeeeeeeeeee watermelon??? Why do Jews love money? Why are Germans good engineers? WHy are Italians in the mafia? WTF Do you see where I'm going here. Mildly offensive question here
Why do Austrian people kidnap children and keep them in the basement?
We don't :)
British are nothing compared to estonians or russians! Estonian's only way be cool is to drink 24/7 and the only reason why a russian gets married is only because of vodka.
You gotta have something to do in the rain and fog :o)
Really, you think so? I thought the stereotype was always the British tea-drinkers, compared to the Irish who drink a lot of alcohol.
The 'Brits' look dryer than a popcorn fart compared to the 'Aussies'! Cides, Britoon is going islamic at a fast rate meaning alcohol for consumption will be banned. Ahhhh, nothing like islam & prohinition. End of the 'alkie'problem!
EXAMPLE: Ive not had a drink for the last 7 days.....
It's not Brits.It's a common issue around the World.
We were brought up to fight, it's who we are!! our history says it all, fighting men were paid in beer once!!! just to ensure their loyalty!! :-/ God save the queen and all that shite!!! Raise your glasses gentlemen please!! Now we just drink for fun!!! :-)
Coz there is no one to stop them!
History, Culture, Rubbish weather!!!
Because there beers and ales taste so darn good! Good Luck!
For the same reason that Native Americans drink. Some drink too much and others do not drink enough! Same goes for the Brits. It's in their genes, their chemical makeup.
Alcohol can numb the pain.
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