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  • Nothing is wrong with you, you are suffering from teenage angst. Believe me, when it comes to you as it will, sex and girlfriends are a real mixed blessing. Enjoy your bachelorhood while it lasts, it won't be for ever.
  • There isn't anything wrong with you! Heck I haven't had a girlfriend yet! Seriously though, it isn't that big a deal. The fact that you haven't gone out with someone yet just shows that you haven't found the right person. Give it a bit of time, you'll find someone. But why not try something totally out there and actually talk to one of these girls, eh? It isn't as life altering or terrifying as it seems ya know! Girls are just human
  • I am 17. I haven't have a girlfriend. I don't care. I know that someday I'll get one, but there's no rush. Most of my peers are shallow enough to think that getting a girlfriend or boyfriend is the most important thing. I certainly wouldn't want to be the boyfriend of someone who is going out with me because it is the thing to do and because everyone else has a boyfriend. No, I'm waiting for someone who will want to spend time with me because of who I am (and hopefully, I'll feel the same about her).
  • Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you. Though I am a girl, I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was a senior in high school. I thought something was wrong with me all the time and I was very lonely. But that all changed.... You'll find someone soon.
  • Perhaps your approaches are all wrong with women (take it from one who knows, I didn't lose my virginity till twenty seven!) Dress yourself up to look attractive and frequent places where women hang out, especially malls. Keep a positive attitude and be very upbeat because it will show in your appearance. Be patient, and be persistent.

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