• they both a re very vast field,.. externally refers to hardware.. u can go for hardware courses.. where as internally reffers to software .. it is very vast field .. depends upon the problem
  • I would take a course on horticulture for that
  • Colleges offer courses on hardware and software, networking, etc. I wouldn't say it's fun work necessarily but it can pay well and if you do it as a consultant you can build a pretty good word-of-mouth network of people whom you visit regularly to help with maintenance, upgrades and other crap.
  • My first class was computer repair which taught mostly how to take a PC a part and put it back together, what makes it tick, what each and every part was. the next class's were A+ & N+ and CompTIA and Networking which have taught me most of the basic thing I know today, since then I have taken refresher class's on same subjects as PC's keep changing everyday

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