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  • For me its a tie between the Office Gossip and the Complainer in Chief. We have one of each, the gossip isn't happy unless he's got a story to tell or better yet something to get two or more people mad at each other. The Chief Complainer is the highest paid employee there yet does the least of anyone and wonders why he's on management's crap list. Same person loudly complains that we need a union because "we're underpaid and we don't have a voice". Wrong on both counts, we're quite well paid and YOU don't have a voice because you're lazy and useless, management likes the rest of us just fine because we actually work for our pay. Were we to unionize I can garauntee that we would receive a pay cut as the union would consider what their other members are making and see that we make nearly double. Of course, as fast as he's digging himself a hole in this economy the problem may well be self-solving.

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