• A bunch of greedy, short termist fatcats are the beneficiaries.
  • I could be considered as a "common man," I suppose. In the current economic climate it is difficult, but if you invest wisely and understand that, indeed, what is down will again go up, one can do well. Now is the time to buy while others are fearful. It is important to have a low-cost online broker as well, such as Tradeking. They charge only $5 per trade.
  • Perhaps I'm not clear on your question: You're asking why common folk don't successfully earn money in the stock market? If that's your question, I'd say perhaps because the common folk where you're from don't do the research like they're supposed to. If you have the Internet, then you have the means. You can purchase books via for books on who and how to invest. You can invest through Ameritrade. Just proceed with discipline.
  • you should never try to make money buying and selling individual shares of stock. You will make more money in the long run in mutual funds.

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