• None! =)
  • Hurricanes! I live in Stuart, where the eye of the storm is in the picture below.
  • blizzards/white outs. ( NORTHERN NEW YORK)
  • andreas fault line
  • flooding!
  • Flooding and hurricanes
  • Just heavy rain causing flooding (but even that is minor). Drought (which is a slow thing - not sudden like a disaster). Lucky I guess :D
  • flooding and earthquakes
  • Cicinnati. Prone to flooding, the occasional tornado, and there is supposedly a dormant fault line under the city that could someday wake up and destroy a few midwestern cities. Im not sure if its true or not.
  • I am actually very lucky. In Augusta, GA we typically have great weather. We have had a flood once in the past 20 years, but it wasn't terrible. The dam near us does a good job of regulating the Savannah River. We rarely have tornados, although they are quite common in the flatlands of GA. We haven't had a significant earthquake in almost 100 years. Our summers are hot, but don't usually result in sever heatwaves. It never snows more than 6 inches or so... and usually not at all. The worst thing that usually happens is the Master's Golf Tournament gets rained on. Do you consider thousands of wet and angry rich people a natural disaster?
  • Bushfires mainly in summer time. I live in Sydney, Australia.
  • When I lived in PA it was blizzards and cold spells - like, -10 to -20. Here in MO it's tornadoes, although I've never personally lived through one. (knock on wood)
  • Snowstorms, downpours of rain (by the sheet, not the drop), landslides, floods, droughts, tornadoes. Invasions of nasty non-native weeds in nature preserves... But mostly the neighbor kids (we have rafts of them, some of which are not legally adults...) and my cat.
  • Tsunami on 26th December 2004.It was really a narrow escape for me.I was in Kanyakumari,the southernmost district in India.I went for surfing and returned to the shore.At that time one man came running shouting 'peria ali vara podhu' means 'a big wave is going to come' Then all the people in the shore ran and by that time the wave was nearly 200 mts away from me.Suddenly I went and hugged a coconut tree .The wave dashed the tree and pulled me.Luckily the tree didn't fall.I once again thank the almighty!
  • I live near San Francisco so earthquakes, but a major one hasn't happened since the '80s. We get minor earthquakes every day (not all in the same place and so weak you can't even feel them), and I can barely remember the last one that was strong enough to feel.
  • Tornadoes
  • all we have in wisconsin is tornados everyonce in a while. but this summer i went to lousiana to help with hurricane relief so down there alot of rain and hurricanes. its amazing how much has yet to be done.
  • Floods, washouts, sheeting rain, hurricanes, blizzards, and ice storms.
  • Luckily not many, we sometimes get a little local flooding but very rarely anything serious
  • New York just seems to get hurricanes and flooding. There is a rare mention of a tornado.
  • I live on the West Coast of New Zealand, my hometown has a fault line going right through it so we are constantly having big earthquakes.
  • None really. Sort of flooding, but not masive flooding. Our weather is just generally miserable
  • Tornados. Lots and LOTS of tornados. We are currently experiencing a REALLY bad ice storm The governor has declared a state of emergency, (or however they say it) and the Red Cross is being brought in from other states and stuff like that. We also get LOTS AND LOTS of wildfires. Mainly because of the severe drought we've been experiencing.
  • Tornados and earthquakes. Although tornadoes scare the bejezus out of me, the mild earthquakes were the most disorienting, terrifying experiences I've had. Nothing was behaving as it should. I can't even imagine being in a strong one.
  • I live on the southeast Georgia coast, right next to Cumberland Island and the Florida border. We get hurricanes and some coastal flooding.
  • Blizzards, massive snow storms, torrential rains resulting in flooding, tornadoes, the occasional earthquake, and hail storms.
  • Hurricaines.
  • Most common in my area are: blizzards, ice storms, severe thunderstorms and an occasional tornado (that's rare.) There have also been two very, very mild earthquakes in my 44 years here. I don't know if they were even considered earthquakes, or just tremors.
  • Torrential downpours, tornadoes, & hurricanes.
  • Just lightning, mostly.
  • Earthquakes. We live in on an active fault, just like San Andreas fault
  • Tornados
  • central valley is boring. only thing we got here is pollution and that's not exactly a natural disaster.
  • I live in Sydney and a few years ago we had a HUGE hail storm. I was on the phone at the time and it sounded like a train racing toward me. I crawled under the table and the hail struck. It smashed a lot of windows and dented all the cars. The hailstones were so big that one killed my neighbour's dog. They also went straight through a lot of roofs. There was millions of dollars of damage. It was really scary. It lasted for about 6 minutes.
  • Flash floods. They are called "gota fria" over here, and are cyclical. Every 5-7 years we get one. It's pretty scary. Cars, people, trees are washed out to sea, underground garages flooded with 1-3 meters of water. I once saw train tracks bent and torn by the force of the water.
  • I'm in Iowa..lately tornadoes and floods
  • earth quakes and fires in the dry areas im in Cali

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