• You might need to upgrade to the thinner ps2. Someone told me that the newer games have a different coating or something that makes it difficult to be read by the fat ps2. I dunno how true that is but I had a fat ps2 and tried to play RockBand on it and it WOULD NOT WORK at I ended up buying a thinner ps2 and it worked fine.
  • Put this answer as... NONSENSE!jskfgb ajo;sfbaejil;g halfasdfzo;fj so;d fja;soit aw jgiopej gp49tfgu wr905u249t0 sil cja;sifgo; ajdgh34890 ugiosdhfiaid f83089a bidopas dr90t6un 90sdifgh; jvdbnksnb3590g u90eqn7[5 ryghdf8tbo04ttguesjchvg eruidfhsjkgbejkazghakeugh dghsuisuisuisuiholzsdfg; "SRgi iz;dfgh"SFIgh"SR(Ituq9 uOPEGJ APIOJSPFj fjiapjsr;
  • You could have a dirty lens. If you system has alot of dust inside of it. Try cleaning it with a micro fiber cloth. Get all of the dust inside of the CD tray out and gently swipe it over the optical eye of the laser. All of my games were working just fine until I bought World tour. It would not load until I cleaned it. Then everything worked just fine.
  • If any others of you out there purchased the guitar hero: world tour game when it was released and have suffered the game not working, contact me. I like, probably thousands of other people, bought Guitar Hero: World Tour, on pre-order and received it the day it was released. To my disappointment it did not work. I then returned the game to receive a replacement. This did not work either. This then led me to do some researching on google and found forum after forum of people having the same problem. I have come to this conclusion. Sony have deliberately designed a game that will only work with the brand new PS2 models. This is not on as it says absolutely nowhere on the Ps2 version of the game that it has this compatibility issue. If you are having or have had the same problem, can you contact me with your name, email address, so that I can get as much evidence together as possible as I am making a formal complaint against the company, as they have breached the trading standard laws by not stating it isn’t compatiable with the older PS2 models. My email address is: audacious_adam_orton1987@hotma Thanks, Adam Orton
  • Calibrate the laser of the PS2. On the in side on the cd tray you will see a small white wheel with gears on it, Mark the wheel with a marker right where the metal clip is holding it so you can always get back to the normal spot, Then turn the dial to the right either 10 or 11 clicks, all disk read in that area. To do this you do have to take the lid off, just take the screws out of the bottom, lift the lid gently and you will see a ribbon cable folded and taped to the cd tray, remove the tape and set the lid to the side. then remove the 4 small screws holding the cover on the cd tray. you'll see the White wheel back of the tray. Turn it to the setting then set the cd cover on over the laser and try it, when you find the right spot, put the screws back in, & put the lid on, that's it. Don't run the cd without the cd cover over the laser. Just be carefull you can do it. TheOutlawDad

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