• Thats a tough one. I would just be there to listen and thats all. When it comes to children there are never any right answers. Its too bad that he is going through that but as long as he has you he is on the road to healing. I wish him the best :)
  • I think kids' desires go through cycles with this. Maybe when the child gets older, he or she will want to live with the other parent. Just make sure the non-custodial parent stays active in the child's life. Regular visitation is very important to let the child know that the parent wants to stay involved in their life. Good luck with it.
  • I would listen and maybe if you both have the time take him out to get his mind of his child he is missing so dearly....let him know that there will be a time where his child will need him and there will be no way that mom could help. remind him the separation is not forever. help him think of way to have the best quality time when he does get visitation.
  • Hello, Sometimes you don't have to do anything. Silent support I call it. Just be there whenever you can. Sometimes people in that situation, don't want to hear opinions, yet sometimes they feel lost and helpless and are open to any opinion. Are there any support groups in your area that you might suggest to your friend if they are interested. For the fact that you have written to AB for answers, you are a caring friend and that to me is all that is needed to be there for a friend. Good Luck and all the best
  • Give him time. Once he finds a new girlfriend he will probably be happy to be free of the little monster.
  • This is a sad situation....just is hard

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