• the trick is to be able to develop understanding of algorithms. Programming is just the process of using a specific language to implement algorithms. Now there are very well know algorithms and you could start by selecting a language, doing an introductory course (many are free online) and then start coding these well known algorithms. I think you should start with C or java. for algorithms start by going here: for C learning: and, of course, find a cheap (or free) compiler for the language you selected to learn good luck
  • I recommend writing lots of programs. Start with a simple program like "hello world" then move on to something a little more challenging. With programming you really need to take baby steps and full grasp each concept. Just like anything else practice practice practice. Also I find commenting your code a lot can help you as well as other people understand what is going on.
  • The hardest part is just getting sufficient experience. I think the best way to do that is to work on real projects: programs that are actually going to be useful to someone -- even if that someone is just yourself. The first substantial program I wrote (back in the early 80's) was a checking account program for myself: to keep track of transactions and calculate the balance, etc. I wrote it in BASIC on my very first IBM PC. It was a TERRIBLE program, full of bugs. But it did the job, and I used it for several years successfully managing the family finances. By the time I had it working, I had learned a tremendous amount... and all of those mistakes were very important learning experiences. So I would say get an idea for some problem that needs to be solved where someone will actually use your solution, and start working on it. Don't spend a lot of time on "book exercises", except when you need to use a small example to learn some very specific detail.

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