• Yeah, your basically a slut.
  • You must be super strong! I've tried to juggle five puppies at once but I stopped after dropping two of them on their head.
  • If you are just dating and not having sex, it is not rude. It is normal.
  • yeah cos then you'r giving yourself a bad name
  • No, men juggle women. There's a joke in there somewhere, but, I'm too tired.
  • Not at all! Men don't hesitate to playing with us. It's time for revenge! Sorry guys: it's time for change; yes we can!
  • If you consider yourself a good juggler, go for it. Although even good ones "drop the ball" once in a while.
  • No i don't think it's rude. Wrong word. Just plain and simple downright wrong How would you like to be juggled like that?
  • How about WRONG? Could it be that 'juggling a few men' feeds your inflated ego?
  • If they dont have a problem with it then no, but I wouldnt want to see you juggle the men
  • Yeah. You need to make up your mind though before one of them finds out or starts getting jealous.
  • As long as they know about each other I guess it's ok. However if they are dating you exclusivly then you need to go ahead and make up your mind b/c it's not fair to them. Besides you will get confused after a while. You don't want to mix the names up.
  • Rude, no, slutty, yes
  • Nah... have fun while you're young. Plenty of time in the future to settle down with one person. Just be honest with them, though. Tell them that you're not planning on being exclusive with them. Otherwise, do whatever (and whoever) you like >:)
  • I don't agree with it, but as long as the men know about it up front, then no.
  • Well, soon or later it will come back to you and you'll get burnt, so you'd rather do the right thing and make up your mind.
  • I'd find a woman that has the strength and skill to juggle 600 pounds worth of dudes at a time to be very attractive. ;) Oh wait, you're asking if I think that it's rude. :p Probably not. Who knows how many dates some of those men might be juggling. I think as long has one hasn't led the other to believe that their relationship is exclusive, then juggling is fine.
  • No, as long as one of them isn't me. Seriously though, it's not rude as long as you're honest with everyone you're seeing about your exclusivity (or lack thereof). If you're sleeping with all of them, that could be an issue, but dating multiple guys shouldn't be a problem as long as they are all aware that you're not seeing them exclusively.
  • But you didnt be spacific as to who you were talking about. So... Your basically a slut.
  • As long as no commitment has been made, spoken or implied, people (both, men and women) should be free to explore a variety of personalities at the same time. It might actually be to one's advantage, as it obviously offers an opportunity to compare these personalities side by side, thus enabling us to reach a consensus in regards to our likes and dislikes when it comes to how we'd like to interact with the opposite sex. Let me stress though that there should be no deception; all parties involved should be fully aware of the situation.
  • Not as long as you're honest to them about your intentions to date other men.
  • Sexy C, you could have avoided having to tell everyone that dating is not an exclusive relationship by simply stating in your question that you weren't having sex with the guys. Most of the people who answered thought you were talking about an exclusive sexual relationship, I noticed. Sad but true, most people just think of sex. My thought is that after the second date, unless you or he has mentioned dating others, you are in a relationship. If he knows you are dating others, it's not rude. If he doesn't know, then you are being rude.
  • How many do you keep up at once?
  • Gang bang???...So..uhhh...What are you wearin' right now?
  • It is totally okay, as long as you don't lead any of them to think your relationship with them is exclusive. Honesty and open-ness makes everything work.
  • I guess not....if you're into orgies. Sounds difficult though with only two hands. Oh wait, just thought of a way to add three more guys without being rude to any of them. Might not be rude, but certainly sounds challenging.
  • Not as long as they are aware of the fact you are not in a committed monogamous relationship with them....if that were not the case it wouldn't be would be hurtful....
  • a s long as they know about it you're golden :)
  • I think your use of the word juggle is implying more than you intended. When most people read 'juggle' they think "keep in the air" as in string along. As long as you are honest with the men about your dating intentions and lack of exclusivity, then no, it is not rude.
  • It depends.. If they know and there fine with it, your fine, but if they don't know thats mean.
  • if you can manage it and not get found out by the different individuals or by people outside of the relationships fine. Personally it sounds like a lot of hassle to me.
  • Not if they all know about each other.
  • Not if everyone knows the rules of the game.
  • I think there is nothing wrong with dating around and getting to know different people. As long as you are honest with them and they don't think they are the only one you are seeing and you are ok with them doing the same thing. If you're sleeping with any of them, that makes it a different situation.
  • Yeah because you may be leading them all on.
  • It is easier to juggle chainsaws
  • I think it is beyond rude. I think it is nasty and says something about the person that does this behavior.
  • Not as long as each of them knows you are doing so.
  • If they don't know it and do not want to be "juggled," yes.
  • Until or unless someone starts talking about exclusive dating between you and them I don't think it is rude or wrong. And, I don't think it is the business of the people you date UNLESS it is your business who else they are dating.
  • If you aren't trying to find a lifetime partner, it's okay. If you are seriously looking for someone, or one of the men is serious about dating, then it's cruel and shows a lack of integrity and respect to play with people's hearts like that.
  • It would probably depend on the situation. If you are just kind of, you know, grazing, then I shouldn't think it would be an issue, but if you're getting kind of serious it could be problematic. Also it would depend on how the fellows feel about it (someone might get insulted). The only way to find out if this is okay is to bring it up to the guy; that way he knows that it's not anything personal and that he is allowed to do the same.
  • Why not, I do the same thing with women, been slapped, kicked, had objects thrown at me, car spray painted, called every name in the book, but most come back for more!
  • As long as you don't drop one of them I think it will be fine.
  • rude? nah, dangerous? yah, there's a lot of creeps out there! Personally I want to find a true mother, to regenerate sacred skin for me. I don't think that even makes sense but there is my answer.
  • its really not right, but they do it, so why not.
  • Ask your self that question in reverse? would you Be OK if a guy had you as one of his Harem?
  • Yes. If you do that you are a ho, slut, skank, sleaze, etc
  • Is not rude but all the good guys will walk away from you and all you'll end up with are those that just come to you when they want sex and don't care about your livelihood. So take your pick wisely, you've been warned now.
  • Girls who juggle men will never really be happy in life, they will only feel empowered but will never find that truly special someone. It they do, they will get hurt in the end.
  • Not rude...just non directed.
  • not if your a whore
  • I don't thin it's rude. I juggle a few women at a time, but that is infinitely more dangerous. As long as you are being truthful with them, I don't see anything wrong with it. Rock on.
  • yes! its really shady
  • I guess as long as they all know that you aren't serious about any of them so they can do the same.
  • As long as you are open to them saying that they arent the only one, or that it is an open relationship, I dont think there is a problem.
  • Nope, but they can get heavy fast...(sorry, couldn't help myself there...) While dating - it's fine - so long as none of them think they are the only one and know you're not commiting anything to them. Runs...

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