• of course, why would you lower you own moral?
  • Yes, because if not, then I am lost . . . sinking to the very level I despise.
  • I think it should all be filed under "what goes around comes around" society puts out the front of "be the bigger person" but if that was really the point then ,why give serial killer's the death penalty? or why even bother saying "I'll respect you, if you respect me?"
  • Absolutely. Strangely enough, at an evolutionary level, it's a strategy that actually pays off. In game theory, the strategy that works best against competing strategies is to forgive a transgression twice and then to retaliate: an organism that displays this behavior soon becomes dominant. Dawkins explains this beautifully in his classic _The Selfish Gene_. So even if you don't think of morality as a transcendent, universal good, it still pays to be moral and consistent! Strange but true.
  • Perhaps not, but *we* need to treat them morally and ethically, otherwise we slide in the same direction they are coming from.
  • Whether they deserve it or not is irrelevant. An ethical and moral person or society could do no other.
  • I don't say they "deserve" it; but why would you get yourself a bad name just because the other fellow is crooked. Why should you be like him, when you know he is unethical. I would say just stay away from him.

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