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  • always compliment him. Make him feel good about himself.
  • That's a d@mn good question. I have tried giving them smiles and encouraging looks, but like you, I'm open to hearing other solutions.
  • Smile... bat the eyelashes.. flip the hair.. giggle.. smile more.
  • the way you look at him,make eye contact,flirt maybe touch his arm or such things like that
  • oh you could blink your eyes like bambi at him, or use your imagination with out saying a word
  • Why do you set yourself up for disappointment? Guys are not psychics and all these kinds of games are confusing and a little annoying, it shouldn't be about the chase, justt ell this guy you like him, make it kind of playful, go up to him and smile and ask him "when are you gonna ask me out?" Very simple.
  • Do what other animals do... hover around him and your hormones will eventually get to him, or be a peacock and shake that tail-featha :P nah... just don't sleep with him :) or do it :) it's your call :O but don't, that's bad advice
  • Kiss him. He'll figure it out.
  • It is generally easier to tell when the guy doesn't like you. It's not hard. ;-) Seriously ... a gentle word. A kind touch. A bit of encouragement. A compliment now and again. Be there for him. Trust me. He'll know.
  • If you want a guy, please step up and go for him. If you prefer to keep your "dignity" ask to spend time with him. I don't mean directly say, "may I spend time with you". Ask "Do you wanna hang out sometime?" and then when he asks what you want to do say "I dunno, whatever." He'll know you're interested and the reigns will be back in his hands. Also, I don't really know where the idea came from that girls can't take guys on dates, but ladies it's alright to suggest date ideas besides girl movies. "Hey do you want to ride bikes?" make it playful "Let's go camping." Obviously, thats for later on in the relationship though. Also, if you want tips on how to give gifts let me know, I have a method I'm considering patenting. Not really but yeah, it's good.
  • Here's an idea: Why do you try ACTUALLY TELLING HIM?!?! Shees!
  • Little kindnesses- a thinking of you card, a tiny gift that made you think of him that day, offer a dinner out etc. Kindnesses draw attention to you and make him wonder and really see you. Then the rest starts to happen. No games just honest interaction causing the reaction you are after.
  • eye contact, smiles, and touching his arm or hand.

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