• harding
  • While this seems like a set up for a George Bush answer, I can list the ones who deserve the lowest rating: Hoover, Carter, Grant, Nixon, Andrew Johnson, and Bill Clinton. Nixon only for watergate, Johnson and CLinton on being Impeached, and Hoover and Carter for being worthless in solving issues.
  • George Bush big freaking deal. He is still one of the best Presidents this country has ever had in my opinion because he had the courage to stand up for what he believed was right in spite of how unpopular it was. The President's job is not to kiss the asses of the American public and do what is popular with them but rahter to make decisions that he feels are in the best interest of our nation and our national security as a whole irregardless of how popular those decisions are. Some of the best presidents had very low approval ratings while in office. At the same time some of our worst presidents have had some of the highest approval ratings. I guess it just goes to show that ineptness and incompetence get rewarded with high approval ratings.
  • Top five lowest presidential approval ratings: 1. George W. Bush (19%) 2. Harry S. Truman (22%) 3. Richard Nixon (25%) 4. Jimmy Carter (28%) 5. George H.W. Bush (29%) Top five highest presidential approval ratings: 1. George W. Bush (92%) 2. George H.W. Bush (89%) 3. Harry S. Truman (87%) 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt (84%) Interestingly, three presidents share their names with both lists. It should be noted that these numbers reflect data from the Gallup Poll, and that numbers take from other polling sources may vary. Also, previous presidents like Herbert Hoover probably would have had lower approval ratings, but there were no polls conducted at that time.

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