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  • I would definitely let her parents know - ASAP! AND I would like to be in that family's home when she is confronted with the accusation by her parents. If nothing or very little is done to YOUR satisfaction, the next telephone call I would make would be to the local police. I wouldn't let her be anywhere near my children. AND I would look for a new sitter - ASAP! Thanks for asking your Q! I did my best to answer it. I hope the information helps. VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Some personal observations and opinions.
  • i think the choice between parents and police strongly depends on her age.
  • Never doubt your child when they tell you something like that. A 4 year old may fib, but he isnt going to lie about something like that and if you do not take it seriously now and something worse happens, they will never tell you and they will try and live with that dirty secret which NO child should have to do. How old is the babysitter? I have to assume like 14ish in which case she is definitely old enough to know that it is WRONG and Im also willing to bet she was touched at a young age as well. Tell her parents and find a new babysitter. I would also suggest that the next babysitter you find be older simply because this may have scarred your children from trusting someone to care for them in her age group. Also be sure to talk to them as well. Make sure they know that it was wrong and that NOBODY should touch them there except the doctor.
  • I would take this situation very seriously. It is unlikely that children, as young as your boys, would know enough to make something like that up. I would start out by telling both boys that you believe them. Then confront HER about what happened. She may have been abused herself. Who knows? One of her parents may even have done it. Depending on her response, you may need to contact the police in order to get her some help as well. Talk to your boys and praise them for telling you about this. Then, inform them that what happened was not their fault. Also explain to them that no one should touch them in that way ever. Seek your boys advise on who should replace this girl and she should be replaced. They may even be more comfortable with a male babysitter in the future. Finally, if needed, you may want to consider getting in touch with a counselor for your boys. Good luck and please post a comment on what happened.
  • Have you noticed any emotional signs? Withdrawal from what they normally like to do? Have there been issues with their soiling their pants or any changes in their bathroom habits. How well do you know your sitter? Would you feel comfortable telling her parents? Is she a minor? The first thing would be to STOP having her watch your children.I would seek counseling and bring both kids and have them individually sit with you and the professional to discuss the "touching". Then go from there remember you have three kids involved. Your two kids and a child(sitter) as well. Based on the results-take action (police, parents, legal and anything to prevent it from happening again)
  • You should contact the police. A professional child psychologist can assess whether this is true or false, but children of this age rarely lie about things like this. The important thing is that your children confided in you and now you need to protect them. If the sitter is a minor, she will need professional intervention herself.
  • Call the police and tell her parents. Also get a nanny cam it's in a teddy bear. Get proof. You know most parents are not going to believe there kid could do that. With the cam you will get your proof.
  • First of all, I don't think four and six year old boys would make this up. I don't see any way other than this, that the idea would even enter their heads. Your children have confided in you and it's your job to protect them, not doubt their honesty. Secondly, I would write down as best you can remember what your children said to you, and date it. This might help if you need the information later. What you should do about the sitter, in my opinion, depends on how old she is. If she is a minor, I would tell her parents. If they don't believe you, or don't impose enough discipline on their daughter, call the police. If she is over eighteen, especially if she's much older than that, call the police first. It sounds like she's young, so I would go to her parents first, then to the police. Good luck. And also, another answer suggested getting a nanny cam to try and get proof. Do NOT do this. Proof isn't a bad idea, of course it isn't. What is, is subjecting your children to this AGAIN so that you finally believe them. You're betraying their trust, and you're failing to keep them from harm. I definitely think it's true, and if it is and you let her do it to them again, what does that show your children?
  • Talk to the children in an area with out distractions. Ask questions that do not lead them to the answer. When did she do it? How did she do it? and where? She could have been in the bathroom cleaning them or it could be the worst. I am sorry that you even have to deal with this situation and I wish you all the best.
  • I think you should not only call the police but also the government authorities that deal with Childrens Services/Child protective Services. If the babysitter is not doing anything wrong, then the issue will resolve itself in time. If Things aren't good, and the babysitter is abusing the children, then all efforts should be made to ensure that your children, nor anyone elses are not put at risk by this person. Our childrn are our most precious gift in life, and we must protect them at all costs.
  • If the babysitter is only fourteen I would confront her parents not here. You don't want to get into with a immature teen. Parents first, definitely don't let her babysit again, and finally if the situation escalates only then would I call the police. I have a 6 year son to and a 9 year old daughter if we go out I prefer to take my daughter to one of her friends houses. I prefer male babysitters for my son (like college age) because they are more responsible and you don't have to worry about weird stuff, he also stay more entertained then with some ditsy teen girl. Just this moms opinion. Lori Oceanside, CA
  • this is very serious put cameras up and dont let your kids see you do it and see what happens this way you can make sure your just wasnt mad at the sitter and if this true call the 5 0 immediately and press charges get your babies some help

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