• He wants to do her, but can't if you two are good friends. Now, for anyone wishing to have their minds sufficiently blown out of their ass at rapid fire speed......go to this blog.
  • maybe he just doesn’t like her. My wife has lots of girlfriends that i hate, cant stand, or just want to punch in the face. but i am civil if they stop by, and just go to the garage and play in there till they all leave, i will puke if i hear about one more sale, office drama, or their sex life.
  • He might feel her as a threat. She might not like him either. He might know something he is not telling you. If she is really your friend tell him not to bad mouth her in front of you unless he can tell you a good reason what the problem is. If he can't then he needs to keep his mouth shut about your friend. Good luck.
  • Does he like any of your other friends or is he trying to cut you off from all your friends? As important as your boyfriend is to you, we all need our friends as well, so unless he can say something specific about your friend ask him not to bad mouth her to you.

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