• Grinding your teeth when you are not taking them sounds like an anxiety deal and you need to take them. You are dependent on them but you are Not addicted. Addicted means you take them or purposes other than anxiety control. for example. I was taking sleeping pills. I got addicted. Then I HAD to have them to drive get going in the morning.. everytime I got upset..every time something bad happened. I was taking up to 50 a day to get high and block out the pain of my depression. If you are using them as the MD rxd you are ok and you are on a low dose. Take your drug as ordered and do not skip a dose and see if your teeth grinding stops.. if it does then you know that the grinding was from anxiety. After a month, you would not be addicted this soon UNLESS you were taking 2-3 times the amount prescribed. Make an appt and talk to your MD about it but do NOT stop taking it.. you will have side effects .. try that.. if you need to ask me anything write and I will help
  • I agree, do NOT stop taking it, teeth grinding is an anxiety-related condition and shows that you DO require some drug of this type. However the dosage you are on is relatively tiny and the chances of your being 'addicted' are infinitessimally small. I used to take 6mg Xanax/day, I now take only 2.25mg. I was told that the higher dose was playing with fire in an addictive sense. But i must admit that 2,25mg just does not seem to be enough to control my condition. As for addiction, I can go for several days without taking any, so would assume that, being that the half-life of Xanax is only in the region of 6 or 8 hours, i am NOT addicted. It is a wonderful anxiolytic but the teeth grinding makes me think you require an increase in dosage.

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