• Contact the Army in your country and they can quickly tell you the requirements for joining. Canada -- ( Singapore -- ( South Africa -- ( Ireland -- ( New Zealand -- (
  • You must have a GED to join the U. S. Army. Contact the Memphis school board for that. There are usually a choice of night or day classes. You usually work at your own pace and they give you pre-tests. It usually takes a couple of weeks of tutoring. Your Army recruiting offices in Memphis are: 2863 Poplar Ave, Memphis - (901) 324-1387 5909 Shelby Oaks Dr # 206, Memphis - (901) 388-2208 2610 E Holmes Rd, Memphis - (901) 543-6286 The GED is a good idea. You will need it for everything you do in the future. The Army, think about it carefully. There are a lot of educational/vocational opportunities, but we (the US) are very short of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and you are likely to go there before you get to take advantage of any of the good stuff. If you have any friends that have been to either of these places in the service, get briefed by them. Find out what Army life was like for them. Then make your decision. And remember this: a recruiter will tell you anything to get you to join. It's his job and today he is under incredible pressure to get his numbers up. You can sign anything you like, but if the Army decides it's necessary, they can rescind anything they like. It's in the small print and the recruiter might tell you differently. The Services are a good thing for a lot of people and it really gave them a boost in life which they may not have been able to afford. It can give you valuable training, especially in technology and languages, that you will get no where else. But if you can't handle the regimentation, the lack of privacy, some of the conditions in which you might live for awhile, following orders without complaint, you might be miserable for four to six years. It can be pretty hard on a woman as well. They fight it, but there is discrimination in some areas. Women are tough, but it can be different for them. It is a heavily male-populated organization. Good luck. I hope in a few years you are happily settled with a meaningful job and great relationships. That's what it's all about.
  • You can join the army without having a GED. You have too score a high asvab score and enlist with the reserves first but you can do it. If you want more information cantct me at 1-937-430-8997

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