• I think it was a personal choice she made,just like the personal choice one would make to abort a child.It is a misguided stereotype,and an unfair statement to say only liberals(which are fine people)like to see fetuses killed.The issue is far from black and white,and there is many gray areas in-between.The world is not one dimensional with everything one way or the other.People make decisions,and they are hard decisions.It is not right to judge others unless one is a perfect human being without faults.
  • No. I disagree with condemning the baby to a second-class life full of discomfort. I think it's more cruel to bring a baby into this world that you know will suffer and that cannot be cured. Sure the parents of kids with Down syndrome (like my former neighbors) are wonderful people for loving and raising their kids. That's not the issue. The issue is KNOWING that the baby will have Down syndrome and still being callous enough to bring it into the world. The child is very likely to outlive its parents. Who's supposed to take care of the parentless grown-up with Down's? It's a terrible moral judgement to have to make. But, while the parents can't help how the genetics turn out when they conceive the baby, I personally think the higher moral road to take is to not have the baby and thus not lay upon it the curse of having no hope of a chance at a 100% fulfilled life. Again, I have deep respect for parents who have such kids and give the kids everything they can to make their lives as pleasant as possible. My ex-neighbor's Down-syndrome-afflicted daughter found a boyfriend with Down syndrome and is happy. But they still face a life that's going to be dependent on others in many ways. And, right or wrong, they will certainly face discrimination because they are "different." This may sound horribly immoral to many readers, but this is my opinion.
  • Well fake-Bruce Springstein, I'm a liberal and admire her for having a Down Syndrome baby. ------ By the way, how debilitating is Down Syndrome?
  • You mean IF it was her child?
  • I'm pro-choice, but I admire her for it; why must you take a political label and paint those to which it applies with such a broad brush? Life isn't that simple!
  • Do I admire a parent for having a baby? No. It's what all pregnancies should result in.
  • Wow, not a biased question at all. *shakes head* I DO admire the fact that she had a choice though. If she had it her way, she wouldn't have had a say in the matter.

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