Sometimes - we offer 24 x 7 support to our customers, so our sleep can be pretty disrupted / non-existent at times.
Yes, at the end of the day mentally I'm screwed and, because I'm sitting down a lot and don't get enough exercise, physically I feel edgy. It's not a good combination.
Exhaust no, annoy yes.
No, but not having one, and searching for one with no success is . . .
Almost, but not quite ... teaching self defense can be strenuous, and computer programming is a headache inducing, brain numbing process that strains the eyes as well as the logic, but they are not quite exhausting.
Nearly every day. :(
dude im a vendor
Only when deadlines approach.
No. Finding love does that.
I'm self-employed so YES!
Yes all this wek and last week the two girls in my office rang in sick so I had three peoples work to do man was it exhausting :)
It used to....I had to get up at 3:30 am and work for 10 or 13 hours with an irate public...after 31 years of this I had had enough.
It's not the actual work, it is the commute and the emotional exhaustion. I work with attorneys and I always say 4 attorneys are equivalent to 16 babies.
I'm a retired accountant. My job never exhausted always was exhilarating for me. It kept me on my toes mentally and was very energizing. I guess I was a lucky lucky gal! :)
No. It's quite an easy job if my co-workers go to work. Otherwise, my tasks would double: I would have to finish their tasks, and my own.
Yes I'm a postman and suffer from fatigue all the time which usually results in bad moods.
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