• Firstly, can this question be moved to the theology/religion section? This is not science. Secondly, I do not believe that there is a heaven. Death will be emotionless. You will exist one second and the next you will not. There is nothing after that. I think that many people want to believe in an afterlife because the thought that they will cease to exist is too frightening. Also, they can use heaven as a reward for doing good and hell as punishment. But if someone is only doing good to get a reward, are they actually doing good? In my opinion, no. That is like donating money to charity because you are forced to. Yes - it helps others. But their intentions are misplaced. If you disagree and wish to debate this, please comment. Don't be a troll and downrate just because you disagree. You can downrate of course, but please comment.
  • Many religions teach that there is some place beyond death where souls go to live in permanent peace and happiness. There are a variety of teachings about the details of heaven; it depends on the particular sect as to what story you'll hear. If you are already associated with one of these religions, you should have no trouble getting their explanations by talking to your clergy. But there's another way to relate to the whole heaven discussion -- not as some fantastic place beyond the grave, but as your ordinary life here and now. Why would anyone say anything so absurd? Obviously, ordinary life is filled with problems, pain, and suffering. In what drug-crazed mind could that be considered heaven? This is how common sense looks at ordinary life: something to escape, something to "put up with" until a better life comes along, etc. But this is only one side of the story: ordinary life is actually only a problem to the degree that we haven't yet sorted out the basic questions about life as a whole. These are questions like "who am I?", "what is the meaning of my life?", "what is my relationship with others?", etc. I call these questions the Big Questions. Many of us are spending most of our energy trying to make a better life for ourselves. That's fine, and many improvements are within our power. But ultimately there's a limit to what can be done to IMPROVE life -- it just will always include things we don't like, and the things we love will never last forever. In the end, we all die. However, within the core of each ordinary life is located all of the ingredients of heaven. This isn't well known, but it's still a universal truth. The problem is that it's up to you to learn what these ingredients are and how to cook them up properly. Lots of people have worked on this recipe and have tried to teach others about it -- so there's no shortage of advice and assistance. But before you can even get started you have to be able to consider that it's possible. What if all those stories about the hereafter are just metaphors and allegories? What if the wise folks who told the old myths were really pointing at something that's been right under our noses all this time, languishing for lack of attention? As long as we have our attention focussed on merely improving ordinary life, or on life-after-death, it doesn't even occur to us that we might be missing the point entirely: you have to find heaven right where you're standing. It isn't hiding out beyond death, it isn't found in vast gobs of money, it doesn't show up when you've finally gotten life to give you everything you want and take away everything you hate. Heaven is closer than your own nose, but if you're looking in the wrong places it might as well be in another universe.
  • I have not been given an invitation to heaven so I will never know. My plan is to be alive or dead so I could not tell you. It's a realm that I will never be in so I don't entertain thoughts of it. Sort of like "What is it like to be in the White House?"
  • There is a party, everyone is there. Everyone will leave at exactly the same time. Its hard to imagine that nothing at all Could be so exciting, could be so much fun. Heaven . . . Heaven is a place . . . A place where nothing . . . Nothing ever happens. . . D.Byrne
  • heaven will be very calm with no war and crimes everyone will be toghether and happy.
  • I think it is like nonexistent.
  • We will know our family and friends, but there will be no pain. our memories will be forgotten, so we can all live in harmony together. No crime. no worries of any kind. Will we have wings?
  • I don't exactly know, but I imagine it must have trees that grow top hats, flowing streams of tequila, aboslutely *no* Oceans, and should have an endless highway with obscure little villages intersperced along it at random distances.
  • I think people sit around and ask questions, then give answers and opinions in heaven. sounds familiar....
  • Peaceful and Happy, being reunited with those I love
  • I think I will get to lay next to my loving wife for all of eternity. Cause that is the most wonderful thing in the world and I want to do it for ever.
  • I believe in Heaven we are reunited with all of are family and friends, and anyone we ever encountered that impacted are lives. In heaven we are never hungry, never sick, never sad, never angry always calm and at ease. I hope it will look like my video games I play with Pegasus, unicorns, large beautiful waterfalls, pretty colors all over the place. And everything you need is always in abundance.
  • An eternal state of communion with God; everlasting bliss.
  • Were we all play video games and ask questions on are laptops if we get stuck. and listen to any band any time
  • non-existant?
  • It's fictitious. You die, you're finished.. Heaven is just a concept used to console those who have lost someone.
  • I think Heaven is like a myth or legend, except that it has no basis in fact. I also think it's like a carrot, where hell is like the stick.
  • i think that heaven will be the perfect place. no dying, no hurt, nothing bad. i will get to see my best friend again too.
  • life on earth is heaven. beyond that is wishful thinking.
  • Heaven is paradise waiting All the good feelings you have ever imagined will be there, all fears will be gone and overtaken with joy. It will be a place of pure beauty that will overwhelm you with emotions or perceptual stimuli
  • If it DOES exist, then its probably where all pain STOPS.
  • Read the Bible and then you will know
  • it depends what religion you are.
  • If there is such a thing/state as heaven, I think it will be whatever you want it to be, and will constantly change according to your desire and un derstanding. One fixed place/condition or whatever sounds nuts. We'd either have to all be brainwashed robots, programmed to go "Ohhhh aaaahhhh, heaven's great!" or there would be millions of people who hated it, because we are all so diverse in ourt likes and dislikes! Me personally, I can't imagine a place full of the types of smug self righteous Christian trolls we have here on AB, to be heaven!!
  • Absolutely awesome!
  • If such a thing as heaven did exist, I imagine it would be on a seperate plane of reality and therefore would be indescribable because it couldn't be compared to anything physical that exists in our world.
  • seriously we won't know till after death if you beleive in it. So with that, it's what ever you want it to look like!
  • Heaven is a state of mind. It's what you make of your life and situation.
  • Heaven looks like Brooklyn, except there are more Muslims than Jews. The architecture takes a bit of getting used to.
  • HONESTLY, AWESOME!!!!! God bless
  • it will be like a baseball game but will a few seats.....
  • Peaceful. Angels playing various musical instruments. God welcoming new arrivals.
  • NO WIFE! That is heaven for me, just sweet girlfriends, and NO WIFE!
  • as long as theres SOMETHING I am happy
  • I don't know, but, if there is a Heaven, I hope there is stuff to do. The idea of Heaven always seemed rather boring to me.
  • The song "Heaven is a Half Pipe" springs to mind. Although I don't actually believe there is a heaven at all.
  • Basically the ultimate vacation! WO HOOOOO! SO COOL!
  • The best description of Heaven and Hell that I have heard was: In Hell there is a room full of luxarious food all the best a person could imagine every person has a plate and sppon but the spoon is too big and a person cannot feed themselves so everyone is walking around hungary and with skin and bones In Heaven it is the same scenario as above except instead of everyone trying to feed themselves people feed each other so nobody is walking around hungary and there is plenty for everyone
  • I'll never know. ;-)
  • The Bible says it has streets of pure gold. Imagine the roads, where instead of pavement, it is pure crystalline gold, and you can see through it and all the buildings are made of the highest calibre of precious stones. And in the middle of everthing is His throne, and a beautiful river flows from it.
  • I hear there's a shortage of chairs, and no pancakes. Pancakes are evil, who knew.
  • Awesome. No more tears and no toil. Peace and Joy and lots of Jesus.
  • Or a DSW shoe warehouse (sorry double post)
  • Likened to going abroad on vacation, a longed for exciting adventure with unknown horizons beckoning yonder. When we reach foreign shores we leave behind our worries, daily stresses, pressure and problems and relax in a time of complete blissful peace and exultation, and mental clarity. Mental clarity is that shedding of emotional baggage and becoming completely arisen, free and weightless. Heaven. There is love, sunshine, peace, intoxication, cool gentle winds and flowing wine, waterfalls and scent of fruits in the air and no frowns or complexities to worry about ...
  • In Jesus' teaching, heaven is often pictured as a place of great joy. Of all things to which Jesus could have compared heaven to, He chose to compare it with a great feast. "The image of the kingdom is that of a vast hall for feasting and joy, all blazing with light" (Lenski p. 331). Far from being cold, antiseptic or the silence of a monastery or library, heaven is pictured as a wonderful banquet, filled with happy quests, and filled with the warmth of friendship, like the warm glow that radiates from a happy home during the holidays. Jesus often compared the kingdom of heaven, which includes the church here and in eternity to a grand and lavish banquet.Jesus who came from heaven is trying to describe to us the wonder, magnificence, joy, splendor and abundance of heaven. He selected a wedding feast which only a king could afford, in which he would lavish upon his guests the best of everything, from the best steaks to the best desserts.
  • Fire and Brimstone.
  • A place with no question marks
  • We'll all be shinning God's shoes, washing his feet, and cleaning up his giant house, while waiting for him to throw us some craps off of his dinner table.
  • Very Busy - HIGH TECH and lots of activities!
  • Well,I asked my mum and she told me that Heaven is like a big playground.
  • The bible says, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him. (I hope I got that right...from memory). That means that if someone tells you what it's like, they don't really know. Jesus said that it will be good. that's good enough for me.
  • No Heaven? I feel that is ridiculous. Now, of course you can have your own opinion, like wheather to even believe in Christ but if you believe in Him, then you should believe in Heaven. The Bible does say Heaven exists, and the Bible is the word of God. My personal thinking of Heaven will be everybody's dream. I think it will be apon the clouds and stars. But if you dont like the dark, there will be no dark. The personal bias's against others will be forgaven and it will be sudden peace. There will be love and friendships among everyone. But if you choose to be alone, it can be done. I could go on and on forever about my opinion but the summary of what I think is the following: Heaven does exist and is a reward for living your life for God.
  • It will be like what it always has been - an allegorical symbol. It doesn't literally exist.
  • Like a York Peppermint Patti.
  • Not to long ago, one of the popes announced that heaven is not in space and that it will be on earth at a time when those that believe in Jesus, will be in His and God's presence and that those who are non believers,will still return after death but not be in the presence of Jesus or God. If anything, this sort of raises the hopes of people who believe in reincarnation, doesn't it?
  • naked sluts everywhere.
  • My Heaven will be full of answers- there will be perfect balance. Because there will be no greed, selfishness,laziness, envy, jealousy, no insecurities, no rejections, no marriage, no divorce, no illness, no death. Heaven will have no temptations- no urges, just complete satisfaction- contented- peace with one another no competitions - no scores, no points to worry about- no money to strive for or lose- Heaven's treasures cannot be destroyed -no need issurance and no need savings. No more worries. That's heaven full of Joy, Peace and Perfect Harmony.
  • Heaven is situated in the spiritual world, the world of energies and acts. It is a place without human emotions and desires. It is characterized with eternal service to those in need, the ones that follow in the never-ending line of evolution.
  • I believe that Heaven is individual to to each person. I feel that whatever made you happy on earth, that our Lord gives you in abundance in Heaven. I also believe that it is pure, soft, light, warm, loving, breath taking, and that you will be reunited with your loved ones that have past before you! P.S. I MISS YOU MOM...7/23/08...LOVE SANDY :(
  • ultimate power!
  • Don't know wont make it. JK
  • All of us short, ugly people will become TALL and ATTRACTIVE!
  • Is My answer too late? :P I think heaven is like you never died. your mind will think you barely just made it out of the fire (or whatever)but in the real world you died. and it feels like you never died but you really are dead and its like a never ending dream about your normal life. So you never die!
  • "almost heaven..West Virginia"...but I've never been there:)
  • Heaven is a wishfull extention of life. What I do not understand is that of all the people I know that belief in Heaven, not one is willing to go there as yet.
  • Heaven will be a beautiful place where you can do whatever you want. In my opinion, I think you can turn into any kind of animal, any kind of person, a rock, a tree, an amoeba. You can change one thing on you (like get rid of a pimple, or freckle, or change your eye color) and get to see in other peoples shoes. You get to choose what you like, and you get to meet who you like. You get to look down on people and see what they are doing. But you don't get to see their personal lives or secrets because that's pretty much an invasion. You feel no pain and their is no pain. If you fall, or hit your head, you don't feel anything and you just laugh it off or ignore it or do whatever you please. The floor is clouds but everything else just looks normal, with land, and different buildings and offices. You have a whole room with tons of pictures of you. You have written documents of your entire life and you can choose to watch a memory- good or bad, and you can laugh or cry. It's just a nice place with a nice atmosphere. And you get to meet God, which is pure amazement. You get to talk to him for however long you want, because I picture him an amazing multi- tasker!
  • There is a Heaven. It is a place for spiritual sons of God and himself. We as humans do not die and live in Heaven. Our bodies will return to the earth and our life source will be returned to its rightful owner - God. We will in a sense be "alive" in his memory until the time comes for the resurrection of his people. So, I can not say that I will ever know what Heaven will be like as I was not created as a spiritual creature.
  • I think you just have one life here and now after that your either cremated or put into the ground. We probable won't even know that we had existed.
  • Constant re runs of the X Files and free gin.
  • Heaven is c concept misnterpreted mostly. It is a moment where your knowledge is complete and you found the truth. The maximum happiness is achieved through completeness of your knowledge. This doesn't come so easy in one life.
  • I question if it exists at all.Lets look at it logically. You only live one life(unlikely) and at the end of that one shot all of what you have done is tallied up. It would be liked to trying to get into the MLB and you do not make the cut.Though instead of being sent down to the minor league,you can never play baseball again,you will be in hell. So unlike earth were there is not just black and white but billions of shades of gray,there is only two places to go,and not different levels in between the two. The world is full opposites,so there is happiness and sadness and billions of emotions between these two.Why would the afterlife all of a sudden be different. I realize I will garner little agreement or points with this answer,but at least maybe some thought on the subject.
  • Heaven is the space directly above land masses even the land masses above other planets. Perhaps the breathable air in front of my face I can refer to as heaven.
  • just like hell ,,, a made up place by a made up faith .

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