• Yes it is! One should NEVER hurt themselves to hurt others. She's only hurting herself. She'll deeply regret what she's doing. I would STRONGLY recommend talking with her.
  • Talking to her would show you cared about her future, so I don't see a problem with it.
  • part of me thinks that in some way, it's good for talented people to screw off. Less competition for you in the future. I know that in some competitive colleges, students will purposely sabatoge other students' grades, just to get a leg-up. This girl is sabatoging herself, making it even easier to move ahead of her. But the compassionate side of me, however small this side is, makes me think you should try to befriend her a bit more to get a bigger understanding and eventually help her. You stat that you don't know her very well. Try to be nice to her and help her if you are concerned. If you try to help her BEFORE you get to know her better, it could backfire or you might decide you hate her. She might have a lot of aweful personality traits for example.

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