• I didn't know that they did. I think laughing at anyone else's belief system shows extreme insecurity and childishness of the part of the person laughing.
  • Because some creationists take it a little too far. For example: "When scientific research produces conclusions which contradict a creationist interpretation of scripture, the strict creationist approach is either to reject the conclusions of the research,[4] its underlying scientific theories,[5] and/or its methodology.[6] For this reason, both creation science and intelligent design have been labeled as pseudoscience by the mainstream scientific community.["
  • Because they have most likely not experienced a Creationist background or are not open minded to the idea. I myself am an Evolutionist Creationist: a combination of Evolutionist idea of the orgin of species and Creationist view of high power envolved. I also like to adapt the Hinduist idea of a contant recyling of eras, maybe not in the amount of years as they say but in a sense that the universe and space and time is create, lived, and destroyed over and over again.
  • We scientists laugh because the beliefs the creationists put forth are so incredibly absurd. They literally are laughable.
  • creationists and evolutionists look at the exact same results and come to different conclusions and "theories". it is in vogue, for evolutionists to laugh at creationists and to denegrate them. 100 years ago the reverse was true. this doesnt make either one correct or incorrect. creationists theories and beliefs are just as valid as evolutionists theories and beliefs. evolutionists cant prove there is no God. and creationists cant prove, to evolutionists, there is a God. its a standoff. but the science is EXACTLY THE SAME.
  • People dont laugh at creationists in general,some religious extreamists are made fun of (because they deseave it) but i think a lot of creationist need to calm down and accept that a lot of people dont believe what they do.You should remember that for 100's of years scientist where laughed at and persecuted by the church.
  • I don't laugh at creationists :P People laugh at anything these days... take Dane Cook for example
  • Their jokes are rad
  • I should hope they don't. Just because somebody holds a different view does not mean they should be laughed at. I believe in Creationism, but not in a 6000 year earth (although I acknowledge that, if God had wanted to create Earth in 6000 years he could have done, or even shorter). I believe that dinosaurs existed. I believe that rock strata tell a story. But I believe that there is more than one way to view the evidence put forward by evolutionists to explain how we got here. I also believe, that, as time goes on, the alternate view will become more apparent. Already there are big questions over central aspects of evolution. (BTW, I am not talking off the top of my head. I studied Anthropology at tertiary level. Believe me, things were taught to us that would make most armchair evolutionists shiver. Science hides what does not suit its arguments.)
  • Atheism has not yet filled them with hate.
  • Again, doing your work for you, I have found your "comet from Mars with life on it" reference amongst other random attempts to explain the Origin of Life (on Earth). These are in no way ever hard linked to either Big Bang Theory or Evolutionary theory. They all can possibly coexist together, but that's not the same thing at all.
  • Cause their sooo funny!!
  • I assume you are referring to people who believe in the Christian creation story, there are a great many others. Every religion has it's own - some strange, some quite beautiful, some...well.. kinda funny. . Literal belief in any of them means suspending any rational thought. To accept that god created the heavens and the earth some 10,000 years ago denies all the evidence discovered in the last couple hundred years. It means believing in a story that is not much more than a fairy tale. And there are those who think adults believing in fairy tales are laughable.
  • No one knows anything for sure. Therefore, any laughing is laughable. Everyone has their own beliefs. Here are mine: There was a creator and then people evolved. The creator isn't from any bible. He is like a scientist who had an experiment that went awry that he couldn't handle so he left the building. Or...we are our own Gods and we put ourselves on Earth to learn and to grow.
  • Here's a few reasons why people laugh at creationists. It could be because they're dumber than a box of rocks.
  • because it's funny.
  • I wouldn't laugh, but if I ever meet a creationist I'd like to ask some questions: . 1. What do you believe? . 2. Why do you believe it? . 3. Is there any evidence for it? (If not, go to #2) . 4. Have you ever heard a belief so wacky that it seemed crazy even to you? What made it seem crazy? . 5. Start over at #1. .
  • >> Why do people laugh at creationists? It's not nice to make fun of handicapped people but sometimes we just can't help ourselves. We laugh at clowns and creationists for the same reason-- the difference is that clowns know they are just acting.
  • Because they haven't got any real arguments against them. Read Sowell's book, "The Anointed: Self-congratulation as a basis of social policy" for some insights into the phenomenon. *Of course, some Creationists are ignorant inbred wack-jobs, but then so are many evolutionists. "The masses" on both sides of the argument believe what they believe not out of any understanding of science, theology, logic, or philosophy, but out of mere tribalism and fadishness - the basic tendency to identify with one's "set" and to look down on "those who don't belong."
  • The bible doesnt say how old the earth is. It says that the earth was "without form and void". The time frame is begun with creation UPON the earth, not the earth itself. We know nothing of its geological state during or prior to creation. Just that He made a firmament between the waters and called the dry land earth. Prior to the fall there is no record of how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden. Because no sin existed there was no death, and without death their bodies did not age.They could have lived for any amount of years before the fall because the curse of death was not on them. Also the time frame until Adam was given his body isnt stated. Gen. 2:7. So, when people say that creationists are determining exact time, they misunderstand.
  • The same way I laugh at evolutionist. BTW, evolution is no longer a theory. Here is the proof. My 2 cents.
  • Because they laugh at facts.
  • Because they act so silly sometimes and rarely can back up their stuff.
  • Only creationists don't know why.
  • ...And because hostility is ignorance in action.
  • I'm afraid, I'm a Creationist, and I Laugh at the 'absurdities' of the Anti's in trying to engineer their [so-called] "evidence" to make it look like it supports their case. So I put the boot on the other foot, I'm afraid! Some of their jokes and twisting of what is is quite Laughable; but it would have been more Fun about 100 years ago, when they did not have the hold over young people's education! Despite the ridiculous nature of their claims to the point of great humour, the fact they are in deadly control of our kids' upbringings makes is not a laughing matter! But their actual claims: Yes; they are quite funny to watch their scheming minds on it all. The Message to all is: Take scientists [most of them promoting evolution, etc.] very much, with 'a grain of salt'. Most of their rot is "tongue in cheek"! ENJOY the following spoof of Duk Towers - a bro of mine [with small additions!] PROFESSORS: GIG’S & GENG’S WISDOM TIME AGAIN: EVOLUTION: Monkey-Ape Time Mrs Iva Tail To Tell (Dean of Makittup University) declared, "Our direct forefathers were gorillas. We straightened our backs and shortened our arms. The latter [or is that ladder?] meant we couldn't have such high shelves of course. But you can't have everything. Yes, we must have come from gorillas because they look more like us on the outside than anything else. That's obvious proof". "Yes", said Prof Gig (Professor in nuts bolts and screws of all kinds), "many years ago they used to talk about how intelligent dogs were, but now we say how intelligent gorillas are. Soon we will have research to prove that they are more intelligent than all other animals; if we can get someone to fund it". Mrs Soarit of Perth WA says, "I watched it on TV, how they put a monkey in a room with a box and put a banana on a string that he couldn't reach. The monkey worked out to move the box over and get onto it to get the banana. The only thing is I've seen a dog do the same thing years before". Dr Ivanew Mith (Vetinary Surgeon of Wefixit Clinic) said, "a gorillas stomach is very different from ours and many other parts. If we ate what a gorilla eats in a day (bamboo shoots) we would be dead. We are more like a horse in eating habits and can eat most things they do. Also we can eat most things birds eat. So horses or birds must be our closest relatives". Dr R E Movitt (Brain Surgeon of Qurem Hospital) said, "Talk is made of people having a so called "human" extra piece on our brains, that apes don't have, that makes us more intelligent. But there are many people who are born without this section as a deformity but it creates no thinking or action disability: The person is completely normal". Prof Gig stated in regard these things; "there are always facts we need to ignore in the pursuit of theoretical science and funding. In this case quite a lot of facts. But then we also get a lot of funding here, as it's a popular theory". Miss Itneedsta Makesens commented, "even if we found a group of monkeys that once wrote their history it still wouldn't prove that apes changed into man. All it would prove is that we found an intelligent group of apes. And anyone with any imagination could come up with another theory of our existence that would sound far more realistic than apes changing into people _ or at least equally as irrational". SNAKE PIC: Why didn't I evolve into a human so that nothing would step on me? Evolution Dr F Roard (Phd., DOB, FBI, KGB, MIA, POT) said, "things all changed by deformities that survived and got passed on. So we believe that something as complex as an eye just happened by chance. Over MILLIONS of years, of course. It makes it sound more believable when we say that because no one can conceive millions of years. So each deformity that went into making an eye was passed on to the next generation. Now I know what you are thinking. You are wondering why we can't seem to find loads of animals, insects or people existing today with only partly formed eyes. Yes, it is true that there would need to be countless masses of them, for the working eye to exist on such a large scale. Particularly considering the seemingly endless intermediate steps and those who would have therefore failed to evolve the rest of the eye correctly by chance. We try to ignore these facts in the interest of 'truth'. And the theory is popular." Professor Messa of the Institute for Lost Scientists said, "We believe the other theory where evolution happened because things decided that they needed to change for their environment. Animals also did this. A lizard decided that it wasn't safe or getting enough food on the ground so it thought about the problem and decided that wings were the best solution to the problem and so he'd become a bird. It realised that this would take MILLIONS of years, of course. So as each of its children were born the lizard passed on his plan so that the children would carry on that approach to the problem. They, in turn, had to pass on this approach to their children to resolve the problem also. He had to make sure that they kept on with that plan or they would die out from the problem that they needed to change for. Fortunately he could foresee this problem becoming bad enough to need to make this change MILLIONS of YEARS before they actually would die out. Strangely enough lizards didn't die out anyway. So it was all in vain. But birds are glad that lizards did so; and now some birds feed on lizards, making it all the better that lizards didn't die out, but leaving lizards wondering about the wisdom of it." Miss White of Brisbane asked, "If we are evolving does that mean we may end up being little green men and going to other planets"? Professor I Dunno of the Institute for Unemployed Scientists said, "one day life just suddenly sprang up and there was an incredibly complex living cell". I asked how this could happen. He explained that it was sort of statistical/magical luck. "Then the cell got lonely and decided it wanted another one; so it worked out how to evolve so it would be capable of splitting (highly intelligent these cells); and did so. And then there were 2 of them", he said. "And before you know it they were just splitting everywhere and we had piles and piles of them: All over the place". I asked him how no life had ever existed throughout all eternity before that time? "Well this has probably happened elsewhere, I'd suppose", he said. "So this amazing magic of an appearing complex living cell just popping up from nowhere has happened other times you feel professor", I asked? "Well, over many MILLIONS of years, you see", he replied. Mr/Ms Los Tie-Dentitti says, "women have evolved into men's bodies". Mr I. L. Watchit asks, "I saw a documentary on TV about moths in a place in England. They explained how there used to be more light moths and few dark ones because the dark ones were seen on the light trees and eaten by birds. But now with so much smog the trees are dark and there are more dark moths, as the birds eat the light ones. But this only proves survival of the fittest. This doesn't prove the evolutionary theory because it was already known when the theory was invented. To prove the theory evidence would have to come forth to prove the theory itself, not the known facts it was based on."? Mr B Acake of Sydney asks, "as I have rheumatism in my back wouldn't it have been better to have stayed without one"? Of evolution Dr Pluggitt of Drippie University states, "yes, we now know that bugs turned into people". When I asked him how this could possibly be, he explained, "yes, well, it all happens over MILLIONS of years, you see. Anything can be believed if you talk about MILLIONS of years". PROFESSORS GENG AND GIG – AT IT AGAIN!! QUESTION: If we were to search for the Dead Center of EVOLUTION, would we find it at Darwin Cemetery, in Fred Flintstone’s Dinosaur Zoo or at a Barney’s Rubble’s Skeleton Bank??!! Ezekiel, Skeleton Bank Teller: ‘Dem bones … dem bones … dem dry bones…’ ‘Dem bones … dem bones … dem dry bones’ ‘Dem bones … dem bones … dem dry bones’ ‘Oh hear the word of the Lord.’ Dating Methods Professor Lessor of Fundus Institute commented, "we use the finest dating methods. And we know that we are right that these bones are MILLIONS of years old. Carbon dating has been shown to be correct sometimes, to some degree, over periods of hundreds of years _ usually only being hundreds of years out. And we have other dating methods now that are almost as accurate; particularly when we recalibrate our machines when we know what date is required". Mr Form at Hard Drive said, "I was watching a program on TV the other day that carbon dated a skull found in Australia to be 2,500 years old. But the scientists didn't like that date so they went around trying all these other dating methods and finally found one that said it was about 60,000 to 70,000 years old and so they took those dates. When asked why they didn't use the carbon dating method that is so 'accurate' they said it was because the lime in the soil must have confused it". Dr G Etpade of Theoretic Institute stated, "we are at a new age now where we no longer have the problems of science in the past that almost always had theories that have been proven wrong in spite of them proving them right at the time. All our theories are correct because we have proven them right on TV. We also have a new advantage to use to convince people we're right called 'dating methods'. This is a cleaver idea where you use some instrument to obtain the date you want. We decide it's MILLIONS of years old then it becomes MILLIONS of years old". Elder Harris (The Church of Jesus Christ LDS missionary) questions, "I have heard that a rock formed by a volcano only a short time before was carbon dated to be MILLIONS of years old. Also that a rock only a few years old, brought back from the moon, was similarly dated. On both occasions the truth had been kept from those doing the dating. Why should anyone believe all this, unproven, MILLIONS of years stuff"? Dr Thinkitt of the Local Logicians Club said, "All accepted fact must be based on proven facts (premises). Therefore talk of MILLIONS of years is illogical as no one can PROVE what happened in a time of which we have no way to prove it absolutely correct. If someone makes a claim about ancient Egypt from known facts about Egypt it could be logical. But we have no written record of MILLIONS of years ago and we can't go back to prove or disprove the claim or the premises upon which it is based: Regardless of what instruments are used. No logician could accept someone saying they KNOW about MILLIONS of years ago as anything but the ravings of a fool". Miss Daytmee of Hobart says, "yes, well, my dating method is to play hard to get".
  • Because that's all they're good for, a laugh. Besides, if people don't want their beliefs laughed at, they shouldn't have such funny beliefs
  • I think all the creation stories are entertaining and speak to the condition of humans at the time they were invented. Now, if anyone really believes them, that is a different story.
  • Because they are the best comedians in the land
  • Hahaha...ha, heh. Ah, good laugh, there's evidence to which there were dinosaurs and the evolution of man. There is no evidence except for man's lying word that we were all created.
  • Because they make it so damned easy.
  • Their clown shoes? ;-)
  • If people don't want their beliefs laughed at, they shouldn't have such funny beliefs.
  • They make absurd ideas and assuptions. But i appreciate their creativity. :) Really, we NEED more creative people.
  • Usually because they wish to totally ignore facts which do not fit their preconcieved positions.
  • Because they look funny with their heads up their butts.
  • The laughter emanates from evolutionists and creationists alike. Creationists cannot prove God (first causes) just as the evolutionist's cannot prove the beginnings of everything (first causes). Creationists insist that God has always been there. Likewise, evolutionists claim that the energy and matter that caused the "big bang" has always been there. The Law of Causality is the very foundation of science. Science is a search for causes, and that search is based on our consistent observations that everything that has a beginning has a cause. In fact, the question "Who made God?" points out how seriously we take the Law of Causality. It's taken for granted that virtually everything needs a cause. So why then doesn't God need a cause? Because the atheists contention misunderstands the Law of Causality. The law of Causality does "not" say that "everything" needs a cause. It says that everything that "comes to be" needs a cause. Such as the basic materials that caused the big bang. God did not come to be. No one made God. He is unmade. As an eternal being, God did not have a beginning, so he didn't need a cause. Until evolutionists can provide proof positive where the initial matter responsible for the Big Bang, came from, their entire theory remains just that, a theory. I hear laughter but it's coming from both sides.
  • because every observable scientific law flies in the face of evolutionary thinking. thus, the only way to get people to believe in evolution is to personally attack the proponents of it. trying to discredit a person when you cannot fundamentally disprove his argument is very effective. personally, after observing the facts and arguments of both sides and following those arguments to their logical conclusions, i find evolutionists to be thoroughly absurd and laughable to the point that, if i didn't know how sad it was, i would think it came from a cartoon.
  • Because they are totally ignorant of the fact that things do evolve and will continue to do so until the end of time as we know it. Take your pick at which ones you want to watch.
  • Because they are, for the most part... "Muddle headed fools with frequent lucid intervalls." Don Quixote. With the Christians always taking it upon themselves, acting as their usual spokes-people, for me at least, it is a turn off right out of the gate.
  • Because I can.
  • Not sure what people are laughing and if in fact they do maybe the fact that others are creationists is just coincidental - there a lots of lots of reasons to laugh.
  • I dread to think that US is to teach creationism alongside evolution. Will those learning dentistry learn about the tooth fairy, will pupils of human reproduction learn the theory of the stork or the gooseberry bush? Will those wishing to follow a charitable life have to learn about Santa Claus? It's ludicrous. And we all - and I mean everyone on the planet - will suffer irreparable harm if we allow it to continue. Evolution may not yet have all the answers, but a book written 2,000 years ago in a series of dead languages by people of various backgrounds with their own agendas certainly doesn't have them either.
  • not necessarily creationists, but the sheeptards who aren't capable of understanding anyone believing otherwise.
  • I don't. I think the theory of a god and creationism is valid although it's not my personal belief. There is no proof of how life came to be. All we have are theories. What I WILL laugh at are people who insist that their theories are absolutely true without have proof that backs it up. Atheist, agnostic, christian, muslim or otherwise, we have no proof of anything but it's fair to claim we believe something however admit that we have no proof.
  • To ridicule the ridiculous. It seems self-evident.
  • Out of sheer ignorance. They are to be pitied, not mocked.
  • Their imaginary friend told them to, because He is so good and gracious.
  • Because they have beliefs similar to those of scientologists.
  • Read anything written by ...ahem.. "Dr" james in the answers/comments to this question. Deliberate misqoting, deliberate context-manipulation of quotes, unsubstantiated assertions and all delivered with that smug kinda "I am REALLY proud of my ignorance" tone...
  • they have the funniest hairstyles...
  • Because you probably laugh at anything when you're dumb enough to believe that nothing blew up and became everything!
  • Because they laugh at hard evidence and fact so we laugh at no evidence and zero% fact :)
  • Because they are ridiculous. Creationism is theology and has no place in a science curriculum. +5 Talimze
  • Creationists excel in only one thing: ...making great fools of themselves.
  • Have you bothered to read any of the questions, answers, and comments they post? It's like they all dropped out of school in the 2nd grade.
  • the person who asked this quiestion take heart let em look at there own religion:Wow we came from mud! would you want to belive that or that we have a loving God. I know some people are gunna say were is God? well where is the wind o we don't see it it cant be real. We see the afects of the wind and we see the effects of God! look around! what prof is there for evelotion? and dont use the old tail bone lie. lots of major bones are attaced to that bone. this is a questions for evelutionist: how do you know what your saying is true? and how exatly did mud turn into people? what if your right? what if your wrong ? think about it

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