Because we make getting a divorce to easy.
Because people do not fight for they marriages. They think that if they find another person things will be better. Not even one marriage doesn't have problems. Our will to fight them makes a wedding good.
increased longevity - 20 years in the last 150 years ... feelings of entitlement... sense of increased mobility has reduced felt importance of family ties ... increased economic prosperity reduces our tendency to stay and bond together ... changes in medical science, viagra, birth control, etc. have "empowered" individuals ... pushing the average age of a mother and father's birth allows for individuals to grow self longer and not put up with "it", whatever "it" is ... the internet and new mass communication technologies permit folks to more rapidly reach out and engage in infidelities ... decreased sense that marriage is an institution the third party of which is god ...
because people are getting married after knowing the other person for a year.
we as americans think we can do what we want when we want these days and that rolls over in our relationships and it doesnt just mean in marriage. it seems the thoughts and ideas of the older generations are dying out and the "i don't care i'll do what i want to do" attitude is taking over in the younger generations. As for myself im 34 and have strong relationship values as did my grandparents who raised me. As for my parents? well my mother was married 4 times and my father twice. his second marriage was with the lady he cheated on my mother with. i think being taught strong values at a young age goes a long way. i would say ask my grandparents (rest their souls) but they are as dead as the good values we all should have learned. just my 2 cents, thank you.
because woman cheat and they never know what the hell to do when they have something.
Because people are getting married for the wrong reasons. Ex. getting pregnant
Because people rush into it without really getting to know the other person.
In my case, and with the benefit of hindsight, it was because I was too you and hadn't worked out what is really important when choosing a life partner. Now I know that, for me at least, as well as my wife, it's important that we share common thinking structures, beliefs, values and core principles. Generally, I think people marry too young, when they don't properly know themselves, so it's not too surprising that marriages break up as people grow up and find themselves and discover they and/or their partner aren't the people they thought they were.
Because the other half stay married.
I believe their gives a different response for each relationship, I am living in seperation and I know that it is hard to point on why! their are so many details that you have to work with in your mind,I get on super with my husband now and we are parents,that cannot be forgotten,but to answer why? it would take a few pages and a lot of soul searching,I think we lose our own identity a little in marriage,mainly as a woman,then one day instead of the rose garden we see what is really growing
Wrong choices when "falling" in love Growing in different directions Infidelity
Not everyone can live with the same person and ignore their annoying flaws for a whole lifetime "through sickness and in health"
Cause people are selfish! They think about what THEY want! Not about the family anymore! They gettin OLD and wrinkled and want the big catch!!!Dont know who would have her tho??? Getting married at 18! My x said she gave me the best years of her life! WELL! I gave her the best years of MY LIFE Too!!! Still no reason to CHEAT! Maybe if I didnt work 12 hours a day??? Now she wants to party at 44! She Needs a disease please! Golddiggin TWAT!
Death is the only other way out and people are living much longer than they used to :p
Lack of commitment and effective communication when opposing beliefs set in.
marriage is not viewed as such a strict bond anymore even though it should be. you can marry a complete stranger overnight if you want to, but how long will that last. marriage is no longer about commitment it is just viewed as a social activity. it is sad when marriage ends up this way, especially if there is children involved. i really think people need to savour youth more, there is plenty of time for marriage and long term relationships in later life. i know people who got married at 18, the majority of them didnt last long because at 18 your only just an adult, you might not have met the right person, and you definitely havent experienced enough of the world to be ready to settle down
Because people believe that you stay "in love", as in romantically, forever,. Feelings change as time goes morphs into something deeper and more comfortable. Some think that if the passion and excitement diminishes, then a relationship is over. You can continue to work on the excitement and romance....but your love matures, epsecially after children. Then, for some, it's time to start looking around....a shame.
People who arent ready to be married (mental/emotionally) are getting married and many are getting married under the wrong conditions (ex: force to marry eachother because theyve made a baby togther). Marriage doesnt seem as "sacred" anymore so people are more willing to cheat or abuse their souse with not as much thought (and cheating for that matter isnt aslooked down upon as it used to be). Divorce seems to also be the esy way out, some couples (without working out their problems, or atleast with very little attempt) just deel like signing another sheet of paper will get them out of this mess theyve gotten themselves in.
lust over love
I think some people are just jumping the gun and not trying to hard enough to work it out, the symbol of marrige has changed it use to be a important thing. But i have never been married so i dont know the exact reason(s).
Because it;s easier to get a marriage license than it is a barber's license. Yet the consequences of a bad marriage are much greater than those of a bad hair-cut? "Marriage is grand. Divorce is 25 grand"?
people run away from problems when it gets out of hand.
Well there are alot of reasons..I think alot of people dont take their vows seriously when they should, so at the first sign of trouble they think they can do better elsewhere..I also believe that alot of the reasons men want a divorce is that their perception of women is distorted by magazines and pictures of women that have been airbrushed etc..and they expect their women to look like these women they see in magazines and when their women dont match up to what they see in there they go looking for one that does.
It all started with the Bic lighter...we have come full circle on becoming a disposable society.:)
tell me about having children before even getting married?!!..they'll just accomplish it with does that make any difference?!!
First, because I don't think it's taken as seriously as it used to be. More people rush into it too young or without really thinking "I'll be with just this one person for the rest of my life." Second, because getting divorced is now such an accepted thing, couples don't bother to attempt to work anything out.
My thought is that because the church has less power than it used to, it can't guilt people into staying with their spouse.
I think this happening because people want a "taste" of the married life. And once they feel like something doesn't live up to their expectations they want to spit it back out. I am a child of divorce and sometimes infatuation by one partner decieves them of their true other. Once the latter realizes this they'll want out-and fast. Studies say that couples should wait 2 years before getting married and that they must be in a steady relationship. Divorces are also caused by teen marriages. Over 60% of teen marriages end in divorce. Think about it. Who here thinks there should be classes taken in (high) schools to teach teens the right values and expectations? I certainly do.
I don't think people realize how difficult it is to be married. Many times we live for the moment, not for the long term. Getting married, means you are making a lifelong committment. You really need to know the person before you take that giant step. I only dated my exwife for six months before we got married and discovered I really didn't know her as well as I thought I did.
Because the LAW favor the WOMEN and makes divorces like a LOTTO winning. And women, as we know it, are very materialistic. So, when they realize how life would be when they don't have to work and get up to 50% of your paycheck, why not do it? Who wouldn't want free money at this time and age? The laws we have here in the states are ridiculous. Especially the Child Support Laws where we all know the money are going to the wrong things. (new car, new outfit, shoes, jewelery,) etc etc.
Because the other 50% end in death.
Because when there are problems in the marriage she has a "night out with the girls" and spills her guts and betrays her husband and he has a "night out with the guys" and does the same thing. They betray each other with family and friends by disclosing things they have no right to disclose. No wonder they end up divorced! Happy Monday! :)
I say its because running from the problem can be easier than finding the solution.
A couple reasons I think... one, because we are becoming foolish about getting involved with others and we no longer have the societal influences that were preventing us from getting divorced.
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