• I can't give you that figure. But since the original war in 1991, 850,000 Iraqi soldiers, 4 million Iraqi civilians, and about 6,000 Americans have died attributed to both Gulf Wars and our occupation there. The high number of Iraqi soldiers killed were largely from the first Gulf War in which Americans were ordered to kill surrendering Iraqi Soldiers. The high number of Iraqi civilian deaths comes from starvation, lack of medical care, and water, sewage and electricity. Most Iraqis now will say how living conditions were much better under Saddam than current American Occupation. At least they had running water and electricity then.
  • I think it makes no difference how many people have died! What is important is that we kill enough to win the war against Islamic terrorism, even if it takes 500 years and millions of deaths, you never give up the fight against crime or terrorism, and if you have to wipe out whole countries, so be it.
  • I think it makes no difference how many people have died! What is important is that we kill enough to win the war against Islamic terrorism, even if it takes 500 years and millions of deaths, you never give up the fight against crime or terrorism, and if you have to wipe out whole countries, so be it.
  • Too many have died. Some should reference "Hegelian Dialectic" before espousing blind hatred in matters intended to lead the sheeple. Nov 9, 2009/Following are the latest figures for soldiers and civilians killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003: U.S.-LED COALITION FORCES United States 4,362 Britain 179 Other nations 139 IRAQIS: Military Between 4,900 and 6,375# Civilians Between 93,897 and 102,451*

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