• Is she helping to pay the rent in any way? if she is, then she technically has partial ownership of the house. If she is just freeloading, then yes, you can just say sayanara and kick her out. IF she is helping to pay, then you have to convince her to leave, even if you have no lease.
  • its not unknown for sisters to fall out windows
  • No. if she has received mail and has clothing at this address, you are going to have to sign a writ of eviction. this is a legal paper, giving her 30 days notice to evict the apartment. The writ of eviction, is not enforceable, until the sheriff deputy or police officer has verbally read the writ, to your sister. 30 days notice.
  • Not sure where you live but eviction can be a very long process, up to 6 months, at least in my state. You can start the process and demand she leave and NO you cannot put her stuff outside, that is against the law.
  • I got rid of an ex girlfriend once by continually putting all her stuff boxed up out on the patio till she finally found another guy to live off of. Everytime she left I put her stuff out and everyime she came back she brought some of it back in. And when she left again I put it back out again. But I finally got her to leave that way. As far as legal I would think you would need to make sure her stuff is put where the weather doesn't damage it. Locking her out is not a good option as she would probably just break a window to get in. As far as legal unless she has money to pay an attorney to sue you which is doubtful I wouldn't worry about it.
  • I know in Houston if there is a dispute going on and one person wants the other out all the cops ask is whose name is on the lease.

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