• wow i am going through the exact situation...i havent found anybody that seems to think its important. the best thing anybody can tell me is to "cheer up". if you find anything that can help, please let me know. I am a 19 yr old single mother of a 17 mo old. i work full time and am in college full time. i think i have went off the deep-end...
  • Hi Butterfly and Shouldnt. First of all, for both of you, you are making the first step already. You recognise that you have a problem and are looking for ways to solve it. Family are often no good as they see only their own problems and not those of others. And depression has nothing to do with looks, btw. The easy answer is 'Go and see a psychologist', but I think that either you can't or don't want that. So, trying a little self-help, is there a root cause to your problem? Can you trace it to an event? In this day and age depression is so often connected to money or love, but without more info from either of you I can't give more than a generic piece of advice. If you stop to think you will realise that there ARE people who care. Some of them care really deeply, but are too wrapped up in themselves just now to realise the support you need. How many suicides have there been where the relatives berate themselves at the funeral 'If only we'd Known. If only they'd said something'. So they DO care about you. But you are both very fragile just now. You want and need to feel loved and wanted. And without turning to religion I can tell you that I love you both. Not in a sexual way - I don't even know you - nor in a God-will-take-care-of-you way - I don't spout religion. But I love you as any compassionate being should love another. When you are depressed the hardest thing is to do what people advise of you. They say 'dust yourself down and get back out there'. But you don't want to do that. Life has dealt you some nasty blows and you're not ready to fight back just now. I'm sorry to say this, though, but it's the only way to deal with it. Don't turn to drugs. Look at the positive aspects of your life, and there ARE positive aspects. Shouldnt - you're attractive, and there are plenty of people who long to care for you (you need to get out and meet them, though, and not in dingy bars). Butterfly you have a precious gift, and your baby needs you and loves you unconditionally. Feel free, ladies to e-mail me direct (through my profile) if you want. Don't worry - I'm married so I'm not trying to hit on you. I don't even live in your country.
  • The brain can't feel pain, but the mind can, and depression is one of the most common. Depression is like going down a downward spiral staircase that happens when you have accepted a load that is too heavy for you--it robs you of the energy to attempt a hopeless task. On the staircase are windows where you can look at the problem again. If the problem is the same, you go down another circle, and look again. It is when you look out the window and see that there is something you actually CAN do that you can start going up again. Sometimes this is self-help, sometimes it is getting out of a situation. I don't know exactly your situation, but at family gatherings or other social situations you can start conversations and answer honestly when someone says "How you doing?" Many of the people you talk to won't be able to help--but someone probably will. And whenever you see a positive step, take it. This will give you the psychic energyto take the next positive step.
  • You need to find something to occupy your time to combat this depression. There has to be something you can do, or better yet someone close you can talk to about your depression.
  • first you tell about yours reason for depression and share with your families member i am sure they take care you properly
  • Go find a mirror. Look into it deeply. That attractive person you see is your BEST are never really alone because you have YOURSELF. Smile and move on, life does.
  • been attractive has nothing to do with depression you can be the hottest girl but send out bad signals when someone looks at you or maybe your not willing to give that one guy a shot because of depression, at least you recognized it know do something about it get up and have fun,talk to somebody get on meds if you need them you only got one life and one day we will sleep for ever.....

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