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  • I remember seeing your other question up about her not answering her texts while on her trip. I guess it was something to be worried about. It's clear that she wasn't ready for a long term relationship. She probably had thoughts of being with other people, but didn't act on them because of her proximity to you. When she left on the trip, she choose it as the time to experience what the world offered by sleeping with the other guy, twice. She may love you, but cheating is cheating. I would say break up and perhaps you can still be friends, if not then oh well. Life goes on, you meet new people. I wouldn't stay. I doubt that that one guy has quelled her curiosity.
  • Thanx for the answer Captain Murpy... she admited it at least and says she just wanted to try something else! I don't know what happens until she arrive... nothing much I can do now
  • let her go. it's not right to tie an inexperienced girl down.
  • I could let her go but she wants to talk about it. Being in an exotic country with beaches, friends and alcohol opens a door to how the world is fun and you don't think much of your boyfriend than and she wanted always to be single in this trip. Question is when she comes back, will she see more how good it is to have me.... or will she have more longing to bee free and try other guys. When the cold reality takes over again when arriving from white beaches and fun... I would guess you want to be with the one you love
  • More answers and opinions are welcome :)

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