• You can't *make* your ex come back. All you can do is talk with your ex and see what happens. If your ex doesn't want to get back together with you, then you need to move on and find the right person for you. Good luck :)
  • I would Make him understand my difference.
  • ask urself why is he your ex in the first place and see what you come up with as solutions for them problems/reasoms
  • think about why u both broke up ...if u wanted em back shouldn't have broken up
  • Who broke up with who? If he/she broke up with you, maybe you should sit and think about what he/she might have said, or why they might have broken up with you. Then try and get a hold of him/her, preferable in person, and explain to him/her that you'd like another chance and that you promise to make amends and that you'll try not to let it end again. If you broke up with him/her, it could be relatively easier. Get a hold of them, and explain that you might have made a mistake and you'd like to give it another try. It's also best if you explain to the person that you'll try and do more to make it work this time. If things didn't end in a very civil manor, try making sure that you speak as though you have forgiven what you/he/she might have fought about, rather than acting like you have completely forgotten. It's important for the other person to know that you haven't shoved it out of mind, but rather you and he/she will learn to grow over it and get through it and learn to form a loving relationship from it.
  • Hi, I was in this situation after my boyfriend split up with me. I thought it was probably impossible to get my boyfriend back but I didn't have much else to do so I was looking around on the internet. I found which had a book on offer which you could download. I still didn't have much faith in the idea but I read it, and guess what? Two weeks later we are back together and things seem better than ever. To be honest, I thought the book looked a bit tacky but the ideas in it made so much sense so I recommend it! Sue
  • A break up can trigger a crazed mental state almost like a form of temporary mental illness! You have to get through this period, which will pass or at least become manageable. After a period of reflection you need to have a plan or strategy to get your Ex back. Without any plan you are like a boat without a rudder! 1. Give your Ex space. Switch off that phone. (Do you think texting 20 times a day is going to impress anyone?) Give them the gift of missing you! 2. BE COOL! Don't seem desperate, clingy or needy. This is a BIG TURN OFF and you'll only push your ex away. 3. Keep the jealously in check especially men. 4. I don't care attitude. (Even if you are like jelly inside) Show everyone you have confidence. Believe it or not this will get your ex back interested in you. 5. Be an Adult show maturity, do try not to be a baby. Especially Men! BE A MAN. 6. Go out, get on with YOUR life. 7. Do some sport where you can hit a ball or vent your frustrastion out running or on an excercise machine at the gym. 8. Be straight AVOID playing games. These tend to escalate. 9. Don't tell your friends everything, they may take sides. Friends might even encourage you to breakup in their own interests. 10. Remember what happened the first time what attracted them to you. Perhaps over time your behaviour has changed. Get back to the person you were! Checkout this Making Up Guide:
  • Stun gun, thick chain, and a padlock usually work.

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