• Could it be because you're a person of depth who enjoys content and context in your conversations! It's a good thing and getting more and more rare!
  • Many times, the purpose of a conversation is not that apparent. If you engage yourself in "small talk" with people, you might get to know them better on the long run and then possibly dwell into more "deep" territories afterwards. Gossip can be harmful an non-productive, I agree you should stay away from it whenever possible. As for what makes you feel that way, I can only guess you're somewhat serious and matter-of-fact and maybe a little introverted.
  • It could be just your personality, some people are like that. Or it could be a sign of something like aspergers, it's really hard to say.
  • Sometimes it may be a personality quirk. Perhaps you don't like small talk because you aren't interested in getting to know people intimately? Having a deep conversation doesn't mean you get to know the person... you just get to talk about a specific subject. Small talk gives you an idea of how the person thinks, how they react, respond, feel. You learn personal details that are not usually relevant in deep conversation. I think that small talk can lead to friendships, where deep conversations can either strenghten a good relationship or shatter a fragile one. My brother seems to have some anti-social qualities and you sound like him. No small talk, one syllable answers to personal questions, but can have a deep conversation... usually one sided.
  • I understand what you mean. I really don't want to talk about the weather for the 13th time today, just get to the point. I noticed a difference when I met some people that will carry on a conversation forever and then when I'm almost falling off the chair asleep, then they decide to bring up the important thing they wanted to talk about. Just say it and get it over with. Gossip just doesn't do anyone good. My sister in law quit talking to me because I won't gossip with her.
  • Its apparently in your genes. You are apparently not a people person. Not here, i talk my a.. off to anyone who will listen.
  • Man I am so like this too, glad I'm not the only one. I always find myself saying "Why am I talking to you?"
  • Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Remember rarely a man apologizes for staying quiet and always for speaking too much. This is part of emotional growth that you experiencing.
  • Perhaps you have Aspergers Syndrome.
  • Maybe you just like meaningful conversations based on your interpretation of meaningful. There's nothing wrong with that.

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