• If by "feeling captive" you're referring to being stuck in life, then yes. I wish I weren't.
  • Yeah, I feel that way all the time. It's called having a job.
  • Doesn't everyone.
  • All the above is due to the fact that we are doing things that are maybe mundane (not challenging or stimulating enough) or stressed (over challenging)in the area that concerns work. In the area that concern relationships be it at work or social and family, it could be the way or how we, invidual think, act and communicates. Sometimes we speak without thinking and thus hurt others when we don't mean to. Other times we do wish to let our tempers fly. Whatever the reason it will come to a pt that we somehow feel rather misunderstood or alone. Friend, you'er not alone in this lonely world of lonely people. My remedy is to try to rephrase hurtful words into kind ones- so that I can understand them better. As for trully unkind friends stay away from them if possible and make new ones.
  • I wish for home too.
  • Seriously, we are all waiting to go back to our Father in Heaven. Here we've left him and learned what it meant to move away from Him and live away from His presence ... now we're all desperate to go back - Home. It's tough here. But we have to be patient til we've learned ALL that He wants us to from this life. Then He'll welcome us back with open arms - us having become all the wiser and stronger than when we left Him and came here as babies
  • I have a feeling I'm going to get some negative points for this, but I feel I should give my honest opinion. I believe in reincarnation, and I feel the same as you do. I feel trapped in this life, but I feel strongly drawn to things from the past; certain ways of life and periods of time. I have this ache deep within me that I'm not where I'm supposed to be, like I left something behind. I see or experience things, and suddenly have this great ache/urge within me that I can't place or truly explain. Because of these things within me, I am a firm believer in reincarnation because I believe these "aches" root me to my past lives. (Please don't comment if you are just going to argue about religion or try to convert me into believing something else. I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen.) =)
  • I think you are on the verge of some sort of self-discovery. Often times we experience what is called the dark night of the soul before we come through the other end with our answers.
  • No. If anything, I feel the opposite. This life here is certainly bizarre and in many ways unreal but I feel that I still have a lot to accomplish here before I go anywhere else. I'm actually afraid to die for just that reason.
  • I know exactly what you mean - a few weeks ago, I realised that I think about people, all people, as "them"...I don't associate myself with any groups or people around me, because I know I'm different. Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.
  • I feel that way on a constant basis hon... But you live and breathe and you go on. One of the hardest things to do i life is to convince the spirit that it is ready to go. I have made so many attempts on my life over the years all I have to show for it are scars and illnesses that I wear like a badge saying to everyone who sees them that I tried and failed. People judge you and tend to aliginate you worse when you allow them to see that far inside your inner process. Be good to yourself and where others fail you in gentility and kindness... Provide that to yourself when you are able... As for the rest. THis too shall pass. I wish you light and love and peace in your heart... If you ever need to talk, Im here!
  • This is why most people know their home is in outer space and mankind is a vast experiment joing one race with a lower race that lived on Earth~~you may be a Monkeys Uncle? Man did not descend from the Ape but the Ape descended from man~~ Alfred E. Neuman
  • Use your feelings for good and not let them use you to become something you don't want to be. Look at the bright side. Concentrate upon the reality, the reality you can observe, it will help you collect answers about the reality you feel.
  • here is where you must be now, people like us who are constantly lonely is for a reason, without us this world cannot make its next progress, have faith that you will be where you belong in the end, in fact thats all that keeps me going. remember that you would choose differently than most in very particular circumstances and be true to that truth, all else is inthe waiting. btw your never truly alone
  • Hi, The reason you don't feel at home is because you were born to be connected with God. You are indeed captive that is why Jesus died and then defeated death, so that there could be a joining of you and him together. All of creation is just waiting for all his children, like you, to realise what he has done and relate in reality to him. Have a chat with him next time you are in bed, alone, this time you won't be alone because from now on your life is going to be changed. He loves you soooooooo much. much love Tim
  • I know the feeling well...good news're not different...because I'm the same. You'll find your place in life...don't worry...just go about your life, being YOU. You are unique, do what makes you happy...eventually you will meet other people who are like me.
  • Yes. All the f****** time.
  • Not really, no.
  • That could be the opening credits to my life.
  • are human.....i used to do meth, but i have been clean for several brain always races to the point where it wants to jump out of my head.......maybe take a day off work and just do what makes you happy......take care....Brian....
  • That is my constant state of being. +2

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