• At least four...and youy also need a semester of student teaching...a lot of teachers end up spending at least an extra year in school to get their degree....I am going into to teaching myself...secondary or post secondary...probably both throughout my career..anyways good luck!
  • you need a 4 year bachelors degree and depending on what state you are in...about another year for a teaching credential. fyi, getting subject matter competency while in college (at least in california) will help you out a lot.
  • You will need a four year degree but in most school systems they require you to later pursue your masters degree during the summer.
  • It all depends on where you live, what you want to teach and how much you want to get paid. Where I'm from (Ontario) to be a tech teacher (auto shop, wood shop, hospitality, haridressing etc.) you need no college degree, you need 5 years of skilled trade work, OR a college degree with skilled trade experience. (Lowest on the pay grid) To be any other kind of teacher, you need a 3 or 4 year University Bachelors degree with specialization in 2 subject areas(a 3 year degree puts you lower on the pay grid, a 4 year degree starts you at the max). On top of the this, EVERYONE needs a 1 year post-graduate degree in education, with special instruction on teaching in your 2 specialized subject areas. However some schools allow you to do this concurrently with your first degree (i.e. you graduate with 2 bachelors degrees), and some tech teachers can get letters of special permission from the ministry and don't have to do this 1 year degree because there is such a need for tech teachers.

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