• Nothing ... We're all the same
  • a race is what runner is going to cross the finish line first. Ethnicity is what cultural variety we so beautifully have in this world of ours. isn't that so wonderful? everyone has such beautiful traits and characteristics regardless of where they come from around the world. god is a creative and wonderful god.
  • Race means human and ethnicity is where your ancestors originate as part of the human race.
  • Race means that someone, somewhere decided to classify humans as "us" and "not us." It makes it lots easier to deal with people as members of in or out-groups, but it sure makes for lots of misery. Ethnicity doesn't usually result in discrimination anymore, in fact it has enriched our lives immessurably here in the USA. Think foods from different countries, or the incredible variety of music ... the list is virtually endless.
  • Race is an inaccurate term in this context. If we were not the same "race" we would not be able to interbreed. Ethnicity is a more correct term. This is a grey area because people keep insisting that ethnicity is dependent upon culture AND genetics. Some people use this to exclude the genetic component in "ethnicity". Ethnicity is, actually, a more correct term than race despite these difficulties. It means to me that we are not all alike, thank the Gods. That would be boring.
  • A race is a subclass of a species, that cannot interbreed with other races in that species. We have no races in homo sapiens, as all can interbreed. I am a perfect example of that, being mostly Anglo-Celtic, but having a smattering of African, Asian (both Indian and Chinese) and Chilean blood. Probably North African and Middle Eastern too. Ethnicity is quite another thing. It is what you feel the most tied to culturally. My daughters have an Italian grandfather and a German grandmother, as well as their other two grandparents being Aussie/English and NewZealand/English. However, their strongest cultural tie is to their Italian ethnicity. They speak Italian (it was their first language, closely followed by English),they eat Italian and they are accepted by the Italian community. They do not feel the same ties to the German community, even though they have the same level of blood relationship, because they did not mix in this community and do not speak the language.
  • Race should describe biological descent. Ethnicity should describe cultural heritage. Both terms have been mixed and wrongly applied, thus there is a huge confusion about them. Best regards.
  • what dose it acctually mean?
  • Squat. Well, maybe not squat. But next to squat. LOL. I tend to divide/focus on gender more so than anything.
  • nothing..just Faith and 'character'..... MLK..'judge not a man by his color, but the 'content of his character' ....same as God except their FAITH in HIM also....
  • Now that I have been in the US for over 35 years, not much. America is such a melting pot that different races and ethnicity have blended so well. Yes, there are still some serious problems. But they are being addressed nowadays.

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