• I'm afraid not. The last Dragonball show was Dragonball GT, and that had it's final episode in the nineties. They are still making video games of the series, though.
  • I heard there's a Dragonball MMORPG though.
  • no, but I have heard of a dragonball series called AF being brought to TV. However for right now it's just rumor. And so far it's been discredited a lot.
  • I'm not sure about videos but what oneday said about AF is true but for right now its only in Manga form been looking for the website that I saw it on but I can't seem to find it.
  • i hope they a dbaf but so far they dont but i always watch it overa and over again
  • dbaf im hoping it will come soon but right now nothing
  • Probably not since they advanced it to Dragonball GT. Kind how it went from Dragon Ball to Bragon Ball Z and then there was no more Dragon Ball. But you can always find DBZ episodes on YouTube and on DVD and various other places so it's not like it's going to just disappear.
  • Not any more actual episodes, for DBZ ended, and GT began, though given how many movies and whatnot have come from dbz arcs, I would say that there are probably at least a few movies you have yet to see like Bojack Unbound, the two Cooler movies, and then the Broly movies.
  • there is gonna be a live action dragonball movie...but i'm pretty sure it sucks because its about dragonball
  • the dragon ball Live Action movie is coming out in 2009...
  • db af is fake not made by akira toriyama
  • You should definitely checkout "Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans". I had never heard about it until someone told me about it. It's a got all your favorite baddies and a crazy villian you may not have heard of.
  • No. There's a live action movie coming out next year, but that's it. There's dragon ball af, but that's just fanfiction.
  • dont know but i seriously hope so.

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