• Definitely yes to CDs and DVDs. I have not seen any 'video games', but I have noticed some educational computer games for kids.
  • Ours definitely loans out DVDs and CDs. I don't know about video games, because to be honest, I've never looked for those.
  • DVD's and CD's yes. I just got my son a card the other day and we didn't really look around.
  • Don't know about games but they have DVDs and CDs. I've watched and listened to a few that I later had to buy for my own:-) Funny! That has happened with those pesky books, too!
  • I just got this information from Number of audio materials: 6,368 Number of video materials: 8,147 I'm assuming that DVDs and CDs are available for loan but I'm less certain about video games being available for loan. I just dialed the phone number for the Silas Bronson Library and nobody is answering the phone. Libraries have cut back their hours dramatically in recent years due to the impact of people doing their research at home with PCs. I am going to log in with and chat with a librarian there to get a definitive answer to your question.
  • Yes. All the Queens Branch Libraries offer pretty good selections, with reasonable availability since they must be returned promptly or a stiff fee is assessed;)
  • DVD'S and VHS tapes and CD's...We get them all the time..No games but we don't have a player anyway..
  • DVDs and CDs, no videogames.
  • no games but you have to pay for dvd's and cd's. i think paying for them is fair enough
  • Yes - Cool, huh?

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