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  • 1) get over your girlfriend 2) tell everyone else that you're fine
  • why would u want to kill yourself over a girl??? Please there is so many other girls in the world I promise you will love again.
  • Why did she break off with you? Could it be because of some of the problems you have? Snap out of it. You have your whole life in front of you. If you want to be happy then it's you who will have to change your attitude. Start doing things that will build your self esteem. Start with reinventing yourself, if you are a couch potato then get off your butt and start exercising, work on your body and make it look great. That will help with your self image. Clean up your act if you are sloppy!!!! Start doing things that you will succeed at, anything, even if it's something not everybody does, even if it's nerdy. Just do things that you find out that you are good at. Get your grades up in school, if you're out, go back. Get a part time job at a pet store or something and learn how to do something like care about something other than yourself. I have been there and when I finally decided to make a change it was a complete makeover. I turned myself into another person on the outside and that changed my life for the better. What I did not realize was I also needed to change things about me. I had no guidance to do that so it took me many years to do the other part. So take it from someone who has been there. Stop being a loser and wake up. Be a good person but be a successful person. You can be both but it takes work, get off your butt and start working. You will go through a lot of women before you find the one. Even then there is no guarantee, look at all the divorces. So get used to emotional let downs and get over them so that they don't derail you, toughen up about certain things. You can still be a good guy and soft hearted, but when you want to, not when it's not good for yourself.
  • I'm gay, I meant I can't tell my parents I'm gay that they'd disown me.
  • If you're thinking of committing suicide because your girlfriend dumped you, then there's another, larger issue at hand. Either you're so desperate for attention that you think telling people you're going to kill yourself is the only way to make people notice you, or you have some kind of underlying mental or emotional problem that needs to be addressed. Either way, the fact that your girlfriend dumped you is really the least of your problems (whether you're homosexual, heterosexual, whatever) and your mother ought to be concerned for you. What should you do? You should either get professional treatment or get over the fact that your girlfriend broke up with you and quit being so melodramatic about it. It isn't the end of the world, and certainly not something to end your own life over.
  • Sometimes not teling the truth is OK and allows us not to hurt other people, however, there comes a time when you need to tell the truth. I think you have reached that time in your life. You are causing more harm than good by not telling the truth. It may seem like the end of the world but it may not be as bad as you think. Sit down with your parents and tell them EVERYTHING! If you think they will not react well, do it with the help of a friend, school counsoler or a theripist. You may be suprised, because they now are worried about losing you. If they are angry/mad/horrified give them some time to let it sink in before you write them off. Some people need time to adjust. Just the opinion of a 45 year old parent of 4.
  • When you are young, a break up seems so devastating, and, to you, it is. But all grief can be dealt with, and coped with, my friend. Go and get some counselling from a priest/pastor/rabbi/professional and talk through the grief you are feeling. You don't have to tell your parents- I understand it's hard to do that (I remember breaking up with my first boyfriend. I took off overseas for five weeks to get over it, but I didn't tell my parents. THey figured it out by themselves). Your mum is worried. SHe loves you.That is why she is sad. Go and reassure her that you won't kill yourself. Then go and find someone professional to talk to and pour it out to them. They can help you work through the grief. Let us know how you are going. :-)
  • If your parents cared enough to have an intervention then they might surprise you. Even if you tell them that you're gay and they go off about it, then it ends in two ways a) they kick you out and you have the freedom to live your life the way you want to live it, or b) they accept you back into the home, you live your gay life secretly and then when you're 18 you move out and live the way you want to live. If you really really dont want to face this with them yet (and thats totally ok) then just tell them your boyfriend left you.
  • Re-assure her that you are not serious about destroying your life (You are aren't you?) and open up to her about the reason why you're upset. She is probably worried sick!
  • tell her about the girl. that will hurt your mom less
  • your mom will (should be) sad about the suicide feelings not the gay thing...tell her about the gf.
  • Learn to talk to your parents. They are the ones who truly love you deeply. Others will too, but their love is for as long as they're alive.
  • why would you want to kill yourself because someone (regardless male or female) left you? First work through this (by yourself) then talk to you mum, I'm sure they aren't as bad as you think! (most of the time, our parents aren't as bad as we think they are) I wish you luck with dealing with all of this, I know it's hard.. if you need someone to talk to please look on my profile and email me
  • I would tell your mom whats up - right away. It may be the most difficult thing you ever do, but to not be honest is just hurting yourself and torturing your mother not being able to understand you. She may not understand you being gay but surely she could understand your loss and the pain it is causing you. It sounds like you care about your mother enough to be concerned and they love you enough to stage an intervention... Woman up and get yourself together - nobody said life was ever easy.
  • So what's the update on you now? Are you still alive?
  • When you have "thoughts" should never keep them to yourself. Im sure your parents love you, or else they wouldnt have had an intervention...Im sure they are willing to do whatever, whenever, for as long as it make everything right again. They wouldnt disown you. They would Love you. Your mom is sad, becuase you prolly arnt talking...and shes blaming herself for alotta things. You would ease their minds to talk to need to talk to them, and realize you are young...Life is wonderful, keep it, explore it, learn to love it...Dont be scared...Fear is what holds you back from happiness... Take a step, and make it better...your family will be there the whole way.
  • I understand what you mean by disowning, many of my friends are bisexual and I know some gays and lesbians too, once I thought I was bisexual, but I was just bring overdramatic over someone I'm bi-curious. If my mum knew I'd be disowned too. How about telling your mum your 'boyfriend' dumped you and that's why your feeling suicidal? I'm the same feeling suicidal because my boyfriend dumped me.. But just tell your mum everything but say its a boy instead?

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