• Maybe you would beable to afford something more expensive if you were not paying for internet services...
  • Why do you live in one of the most expensive places, maybe you should sell some things and move up north! I'll help you.....find a place we have all kinds of places!!!!
  • Sorry I can't help with your housing problem kittenlady, but I just wanted to say you're not alone. And make a comment about why is it that 'god fearing christians' in this country can't stand to see someone with real problems get help from the government? It is obvious from there comments that (they) aren't going to help. Makes you wonder about all that christian charity and goodwill toward men thing comes from!
  • Don't worry they just tell you that it is not that long. Get a note from your doctor stating that you need emergency housing ask for an expedited form and you will go to the top quick. They don't want to tell you that but you can get on the emergency list. Good Luck ~ Sister Rock

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