• I am a born again christian, I belive since I accepted Christ I am a new creation. The title born again is symbolic because I am a new person. All kinds of people profess to be a certain doctrine, I don't belive it, I don't belive in religion either. My belief is based on the bible, and my personal relationship with God. When people add rules to the Bible, I call that religion, and religion is man made so I have nothing to learn from it.
  • We believe that God created man to have a perfect relationship which him, but man had a free will that we could choose what we wanted to do. We just forgot there is one thing we couldn't choose and that was the consequences of those actions. We chose to disobey God (which is called sin) and the punishment was an eternity in hell. God still loved us so much he sent his son Jesus to endure that punishment for those who accept him as savior. The born again part came from Jesus when he was talking to Nichademus. Let me appoligize for anyone screaming at you, that's not what Christianity is about. It's about Jesus.
  • From my experiences with them, most Born Again Christians are good people. However, some of them get so wrapped up in their own beliefs that they become intolerant of what others believe. Thus, these people, in an attempt to promulgate their own beliefs, attack other people's religion. In their attacks on other religions they often distort and otherwise misrepresent what the other religions believe. I view most of the people involved in these attacks as being well meaning, but misled by those that know that they are lying. However, most of the time they are unwilling to listen when someone tries to tell that they don't understand what the other church teaches. Because of this, I find these particular people quite tiresome, but they have to right to believe as they wish. However, it should be emphasized that these people don't represent the majority of Born Again Christians. They are just the very vocal minority. The big difference between them and the Catholics is that they believe that salvation comes exclusively through faith on Jesus Christ. They don't believe that we have to do anything more than ask God for forgiveness in order to be saved. On the other hand, the Catholic church believes that certain works (living a good life, repenting when one falls short, receiving certain ordinances) are also necessary for salvation. Catholics also believe that the authority to preach and perform ordinances must come through an unbroken chain of authority through their line of Popes. Born Agains believe that God simply gives the authority to whomever He will without it having to come through a man. There are other differences. However, I think that these are the two most important. The validity of the other beliefs of these religions rests on the foundations of these beliefs. Now, in writing this, it should be noted that I am neither a Catholic nor a Born Again Cristian. I also don't claim to be an expert in either of these religions. What I have written here is my understanding of their respective beliefs. If I have made errors here, then I will gladly accept correction from those who are in a position to give me accurate information as to what they do believe. Unlike certain of the more fanatical members of other religions, I actually want to give correct information as to what other people believe. ;-)
  • From what I've read in this thread he sounds more like a follower of Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church than a "born again" Christian.
  • I love the born agains by principal. Born agains do all the good things especially in relating with others. They worship with zeal and practicallity. They believe in "LOVE like you want to be LOVED" I know of one pastor Kiganda in Uganda who asked each of the members in the congregation to volunteer and feed one other who did not what to eat that xmas day-it was my first miracle. To sum it all, born agains do what catholics just preach. I really love to belong to them. I honour everyone's opinion.
  • I am a born again christian. We beleive the following: 1. Jesus Christ died to save us from our sin 2. It is important that we have a personal relationship with God. 3. It is important to live our lives for God, or in other words submit to God's plan of how we should live. The guy that was protesting Catholicm probably just doesnt agree with Catholicsm. Catholics are Christians too. they beleive what we beleive, but they just have a different way of exercizing their beliefs. Also, im pretty sure some catholics are born again christians and devout christians.
  • They believe Jesus will come back to earth and take them away to heaven. They believe this even though JC said it would happen "before this generation passes". That is before all the people he was speaking to died. Not only that but that all the people who don't believe the way they believe will go to hell because god loves us but he loves them better.
  • They believe that they are right. In fact they believe they're the only ones who are right. If you're not one of them, you're wrong.
  • "Born Again" was the term Jesus used to explain the supernatural change that happens when you accept Jesus as your savior. It is just like being born all over again. You start off with a clean slate. Everything you had done before is forgotten. God becomes your father and you become His child. You can not loose it or be removed from God's family. . When you become born again your whole perspective on life changes. Things you thought were fine and dandy suddenly become repulsive and gross to you. The Bible which seemed unclear and contradictory becomes an open book full of knowledge. Before, your own pleasure and selfishness is your main goal. After, you see people different and want to put their needs before yours. It is a total transformation in who you are and is hard to understand until it happens to you.
  • Born again can be of any form of Christanity, I have met former atheist that are now Catholics. I know some former druggies that became Catholic. But unfortionatly people have so many interpertions of the bible, and people belive that theirs is only right, as well as pick and choose their interpertions (some cases books in the bible). Jesus said we must treat each other as brother and sister. So that was wrong of the LA person. Born again is a new understanding of christ and his love for us. But understand that christ loves everyone else as well.

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