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  • On that did, and one that tried
  • My uncle Ed and a friend of mine in HS.
  • Yeah. A girl I knew when I was little did this last summer. 15 years old, pregnant with twins, hung herself. I could probably name at least 10 people around my age/from my school that commited suicide in the last 2 years. Maybe three. I knew another girl who through herself into traffic, and 3 boys who shot themselves (seperate incidents. I didn't really know them, but knew who they were) as well. All between 15 and 19 i believe. I also have a few friends who attempted, but didn't succeed. Obviously.
  • One of my co-workers committed suicide last year or two years ago, I can't remember exactly. Family problems, I heard. His mom didn't believe in his capabilities. He used a belt to hang himself.
  • Yes, more than one...unfortunately.
  • i was friends with this guy that ran a hotel. i used to go there and get smoke out of the machine before i was of age. he never said anything to me about it when we used to talk about how my day was going. well then in the newspaper i read an artical about him filming minors having sex and he would pay the minors to have sex with him and i guess he had a whole bunch of these tapes when he was caught for it. well the night the cops were coming to take him into custody he went on the back porch of the hotel and blew his brain out with a 12 ga shotgun. i never knew him to be like that cause i would just buy smokes and we would talk about how my day was going and then i would either go home or go to school. but boy did he have a 2nd life that i didnt know about and it was pretty messed up.
  • No one who did it successfully, but a couple who tried. A girl who is still a close friend of mine, and a guy who is a friend.
  • I had a friend in high school who hung herself from a bridge and a friend in college who shot himself.....both were unspeakable tragedies and heartbreaking for the friends and families...especially since suicide can be prevented: reach out for are worth it.
  • Yes. A family friend that was bi-polar. It was one of the saddest days of my life.
  • Yes I am afraid my sisters son shot himself as his father had done.
  • my dad did..
  • My best friend who was like my brother did... and I never got to appologize for those things i said to him.. RIP Rodney
  • Yes...unfortunately. One of my good friend's fathers. :(
  • I have had two co-workers kill themselves in the last 4 years. They sat in the same desk one right after the other. No one sits there now.
  • Two people I knew did.They did not know each other but they shared the same name,did it the same way and both had the same personality traits.
  • Yes, both my brother and uncle committed suicide
  • Good friend...
  • Yes, two friends, one very sick and depressed and one young and lost.
  • yes. a few of my best friends in the whole world. i also know many people who have attempted suicide but did not go through with it. it is very saddening to think some people feel that they have to do that =(
  • Yes. Someone I dated for a short time did several years after the last time I saw him.
  • Yes, a father and his son did in the same house in the same manner, but a few years apart.
  • i knew a boy, i wasnt' great friends with him but he seemed pretty nice, kind of unsure of himself. well i knew him for around 5 years, we went to school together, apparently haveing to deal with abuse and other issues from his family, even though he had good friends he stuck the barrel of a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger just this past year. i never would have thought he would do such a thing he was always somewhat upbeat. no one knew what went on in that head of his and now they never will. he was only 17 or 18 with a life still left to live
  • My ex boyfriend, my friend, and my drother.
  • A friend of mine did about a year ago when his girlfriend broke up with him, another did last week for no apparent reason, and another tried two weeks ago but thank God did not succeed.
  • yes, but not for long.
  • Yes, this kid who was nice to the younger kids in the neighborhood. He didn't throw his weight around because he was older. Polite to older people. A mench! Well, his twin sister died and he killed himself soon after.
  • well there were these two boys in my community who did one hung himself because first he threaten to do it unless his gf got back together with him but she just blew off as desperation turns out she was wrong and another kid just committed himself no one saw the signs but apparently he was very depressed
  • my cousin did it in 2000...i admire him so much i cant wait until i have the courage to do the same
  • My father-in-law did. He had MS and he used a gun. He had tried another time and was unsuccesful. He talked about it. He felt he was inferior because of his disease. My husband found him. We were all affected by his act of selfishness. My husband still has nightmares from it.
  • No, but I have had friends and family die.
  • yeah two. One stood on a ladder,put an engine hoist chain around his neck,then shot himself in the head with a 38. The other was found in bed with a plastic bag over his head.
  • two of my friends on different occasions decided to end there life prematurely
  • in the Navy and when i was stationed in Japan this guy used a shotgun, while on night watch...and another time was a girl i knew, not too well, but she hung herself a year ago no one knows why though...and my homeboy just died of an overdose of pills and alcohol in july...
  • Yes, two people. One was my uncle, who hanged himself when I was 16. I was pretty devastated. The other was a kid I was friends with in high school. He was a brilliant student with a bright future, and hanged himself in the woods because his girlfriend had just broken up with him. Tragic and wasteful.
  • my ex husband's little brother - he was 12 - hung himself - we dont know why - he was picked on a lot at school
  • a friend of mine, back when I was in highschool. She shot herself. Two friends I worked with when I was a sailor, around the same time.
  • I have known a few people who have committed suicide. we were more like casual acquaintances.
  • Via my work, several.
  • Yes. Unfortunately, it happens more often than one would hope. One of the cases I know touched me deeply, as he had been my best friend in college, with whom I had lost contact, and he was a person I admired for his intelligence, his ability to interpret music, and his cheerful mood. It's hard to imagine what's going on inside people sometimes.
  • i tried to kill myself a couple of months back... i won't bother saying why. all i know is although i am ashamed of having gone that far, i do know that it's one thing that helped me get out of my depression... i know this sounds totally paradoxical but i feel like taking that one step is what changed everything for me. i got better after that. I'm not encouraging people to try killing themselves, obviously. I'm just saying there's more to it... the people you guys know who committed suicide, you don't know what their last thoughts were.. it might have been of regret for what they were doing. i also believe in destiny. people choose the path they take but the destination has already been decided. I'm not meant to die yet... that's why it just so happens i ended up with the absolute best doctors and despite the complications, I'm perfectly fine. i was released from the hospital just days after with no permanent damage...
  • My father did, he shot himself in the head when I was 15. He had always had issues with heroine and entanglements with the law and such, I guess he just couldn't take it any longer.
  • Yes. I met my soulmate, we moved in together 4 weeks later, he proposed. He was going through an ugly custody battle with his ex wife (we met long after they were over). The day he died, he called me from the lawyers office and said that her affidavit was so vicious and predatory that he thought she was trying to get him to kill himself so she would get everything. That was the first time he had ever mentioned suicide. We met at the movies that night after work. She called while we were in the movies and I told him to step out an answer it. He did. After the movies he was upset said that it was his boys calling him. He kissed me goodbye and we got in our separate cars. I expected to see him at home. He drove to her house where he confronted her and hung himself off the deck.
  • tried yes-actually succeeded no. she taped a bag on her face so she couldnt breath and tied her handds behind her back. Her little 3 year old niece walks into the room and sees her like that...she has tried 9 times before that. she hasnt tried in a while, i told her that i would do the same if she did and she told me not to, and so on. it scared me cuz i didnt think she wud do it...
  • yes I have. It was really sad, back in high school so he was so young
  • My uncle had been dating a woman for 7 years and he asked her to marry him many times she always said no then one day she said she was going to the grocery store but she came back married to his best friend. He drove his truck into a 200 yr old oak tree at about 90mph.
  • One of my friends in high school killed himself and my husband's dad killed himself when my husband was only 8.
  • Yes, an alcoholic uncle who hung himself.
  • Yes. It was a shock/surprise.I didn't see the clues. That is one reason why I got my degree in Psychology. I needed to understand.
  • yes, 2 people. one was a very good friend from high school. we were in the 10th grade (1993)He put a gun in his mouth and shot himself. Nobody ever knew why as he had many friends and a good life. The other was my grandfather who was very sick and just didnt want to go on anymore. He shot himself in the head in his room while my grandma and uncle were in the house. My husband had an uncle who committed suicide when my husband was still a child. My husbands uncle had a bi-polar disorder that he was not taking his meds for and killed himself by taking off his own head with a chainsaw.
  • Yes, my husband. He left behind two little boys and myself.
  • no i have not.
  • My brother after two attempts succeeded last year!
  • Yes, he used a shotgun to blow his stomach out the back of his body. He was 17 and his parents were strung out on drugs. He had a hard childhood and did not make it through. I hung out with him most of the summer at the public pool and had no idea what was really going on in his life.
  • My father, a month and 6 days ago. Overdosed... Still feeling the effects of it. I don't realy believe that people that do that truly understand the pain they leave behind...
  • Yes, an alcoholic friend. And my aunt alcoholic too.
  • Yes, a guy I dated a couple of times & graduated High School with shot himself & another guy that was a boyfriend of a friend shot himself. Another girl I went to school with, her daughter shot herself at the age of 15 because she found out she was pregnant & was ashamed to tell her parents. So sad.
  • Unfortunately, yes. Some very good friends, and a very abused and troubled cousin. I just wish I could have done something.
  • Yes. one i did not know very well but it destressed me. the other 2 more recently... a friend of a friend... she is still messed up about it. and i know more people who are suicidal..
  • yah her name is ariol and i want everyone to pray for her and hope she is in a good place. i will always have you in my heart ariol
  • yes, while i was in the military. there seems to be even more military suicides these days.
  • 3 so far....
  • yes i do and even some i've had to talk out of committing suicide, a very sad subject
  • One of my main friends growing up was named Marvin Torres. We was extremely obese. When he was in High School he lost over a hundred pounds and fell in love. He and his girlfriend graduated from High School and she got pregnant. He was the happiest person I ever saw at that point. When the baby was a year old he found out the baby wasn't his. He jumped off a bridge. The end.
  • Yes, cowards all of them.
  • Yes, a man who was a terminal cancer patient. He told everyone when it became too much for him he would..... and he did.
  • sisters only child,she left her2,5 9 children motherless..
  • Yes... a beautiful young woman who appeared to have everything going right for her took her own life for reasons I will never understand?
  • I had a cousin who hanged himself when his fiancee lied to him about being pregnant by another man.

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