• yes return the favor?
  • Okay. I'm in a giving mood. Would you mind telling me why, though?
  • Yes. But this is the first and last time that I'll be doing this for you, okay?
  • No, see, it doesn't work that way - but you ANSWERED someone else's question and I was able to give you 4 points for that answer. Brand-new Answerbaggers sometimes ask for points, but to get points, a question has to interest other Answerbaggers. I think you'll get points fastest by giving thoughtful answers to others' questions. After a while you'll want to ask some of your own, but be sure to check whether the question has already been asked. In another of your questions you asked "how does this site work." Read around on the site. You'll enjoy reading people's Qs, As, and comments, and you'll quickly observe how it works. Good luck.
  • I could but sorry, I will not, I will not give you a minus either , just the advice that it is against rules to ask for points and some people could down rate you quite badly. I personally will not encourage a newcomer to start on the wrong foot. Good Luck and welcome to the Bag.
  • No sorry. I don't give to those who beg for points. How about you go answer some questions, or ask a couple to get them?
  • You're not worthy. (or at least this question isn't.)
  • No sorry, I have worked hard with the points I have right now. But I wont give you a negative either. You need to earn the points. Good luck though. And welcome
  • Let's see a good question......

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