• What do you need religion for?
  • I think you should stop trying to make yourself believe in anything. I can try and believe in pixies, but it doesn't ultimately make me anymore convinced no matter how much I look at the evidence for their existence. Although, I would suggest taking a look at Buddhism. I'm Jewish, but I've been to several different types of Buddhist groups and it makes quite a bit of sense. They don't really have beliefs... quite the contrary in fact, and they don't take a stance on the existence of God; you're free to make up your own mind about that.
  • I felt the same way, until discovered Philosophy. I majored in it in college, and the readings and principles have helped my understanding of life. Here are some quotes from my favorite philosopher, Ashleigh Brilliant: "I have abandoned my search for truth, and am now looking for a good fantasy"©. "I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem"©.
  • keep looking?
  • If you truely need to find a religion [which I don't think people NEED a religion] then just research some religions and see what appeals to you =]
  • I'm Buddhist, so you'll never guess my suggestion! :) Really, you don't need a religion. You DO need to be interested in your own spiritual development, and religion can provide some tools for making progress there. But if you think you need to belong to something, that's not the best reason to adopt a religious tradition. If you are interested in Buddhism, I've posted quite a bit on the topic, and here's a starting point:
  • thats easy ...stop looking for an organised religion and just practise your personal faith ...its the most pure kind of religion there is
  • Don't resign yourself to believe in just one religion- or to believe in any religion at all, for that matter. Look into philosophical teachings and religions which are non-theistic, such as Buddhism. They don't focus on an absolute power or creator of the universe.
  • "Look" into your heart and find your soul. Do what it leads you.
  • that depends - are you searching for truth or just shopping around for something you like and makes you feel good about yourself?
  • Blank your mind, enter a Barnes & Nobel, go to the New Age section, and see which books find you.
  • I can offer a suggestion - #1 - Try to get to know yourself, be honest with yourself. #2 - Once you know yourself, ask yourself, "Why do I want to be in a religion?" #3 - After you've found the answer to that question, you can decide if you truly want to continue looking, or not.
  • Look inside yourself. That's where your faith and worth are. There is no need to (belong) to any group of people...... to believe!
  • I was there too in my early 20's (was brought up Catholic too). I couldn't agree with and didn't need dogmas and theology, and rituals just made/make me want to grit my teeth and flee the scene. But I wanted to connect with what I perceived was beyond the material world. . Basically I was amazingly stressed out, trying to find a job after college, living w/ my parents while raising money to move out. I calmed down by sitting quietly and finding some Psalms that spoke to me, and really reading/praying them in depth. . My denomination (Unity, which isn't Unitarianism) doesn't have dogmas per se. Instead they explicitly find value in all spiritual traditions, and invite you to consider the truths taught by Jesus and other spiritual masters. They interpret Jesus' teachings metaphysically, eg, when Jesus seems to equate himself with the Father, he's teaching that the essence of God, the loving, nonjudgmental, creative force pervading all things, was in him, and everybody. The two quotes in my profile are from middle-ages mystics. . I've heard that every Unity church can be different; some ministers may be more teachers of principles and how to practically apply them to your life, while others might be more evocative of the presence of God during the meditation time during church. So shop around. Also, "Science of Mind" or "Religious Science" is very similar to Unity, if there's one of those around you. . If you want something a little more theoretical, you might check out a Unitarian church - I went to one for 10-12 Sundays, years ago, and they never mentioned the "G" word; it was more along the lines of realizing your potential.
  • The majority want to do their "will" not God's "will", that is why they don't "like" religion or change religion, they want to live their "WAY" not God's "WAY"..
  • I was liberated by atheism earlier this year, and i am never happier!
  • I'd look into some of the eastern philosophies.
  • Look into the Universal Unitarianists. A lot of agnostics go to them when they feel the need for religion, but nothing seems to fit.
  • Be an athiest ^_^
  • Humanism. Be a good person because you want to be a good person, this is just a more perminant branch off of agnostic
  • Take a year off and travel. Find yourself and you shall find your maker.
  • Being an agnostic means "one should not profess to a belief in something that cannot be proven". Once you find a religion "you" can believe in will that mean you are no longer an agnostic? Are you really looking for a religion you can believe in or are you looking for a religion that will justify your life style? You could get plenty of answers from countless people but what it actually comes down to is YOU. Why would you ask others for an anwser that lies within you?
  • try to be a seventh-day adventist!
  • Read and contemplate. If you spend a lot of time thinking and becoming as curious as possible, you will be informed enough to reach your own conclusion. It may be religious, and it may not. But you cannot go shopping for a religion like a car. There is no way you can read Consumer Reports and find the right one.
  • There are books on world religions out there, I have an encyclopedia of religions myself. I never found something that fit in it, but you might. Go and check one out, they make for very interesting reading if nothing else.
  • Read the god delusion, great book
  • I think that agnosticism says it all. "I don't know and you don't know either." No one can argue with that. For me, believing in a religion is to say that you blindly accept what someone else tells you as truth. I can't do that. I have a brain and can use it. I don't need someone to think for me. So I have decided that for me Agnosticism is the best way. You make your choices knowing that you and you alone are responsible for the outcome. I have faith in MYSELF. I do not need an "entity" to "guide me" or use as a crutch. I know wrong from right and treat others the way I would want to be treated. I don't need to be threatened with "hell" or anything like it to live a morally upstanding life. Good luck with your quest.
  • You don't need to find a religion it's just what you believe in. Think about it how did all the religions start... with one person saying "wait 1 miniute. I believe that Christ was real and that he was born in a barn" and so on, then others shared that belive. I am not saying to go and make another religion but just believe in what you believe happend and maybe you will find a religion that has the same believe. Thanks
  • Try Spiritual Satanism.
  • Try Islam if you're feeling suitably solemn
  • You can find the religion that is right for you by answering these questions.....and that is "Why, after trying agnosticism, do I now find myself wanting/needing a religion?" Why search now? What is compelling me? What do I hope to find or achieve by becoming a believer of a certain religion? Search for these answers deep within yourself and you will find the Way.

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