• extortion usually refers exclusively to finances/Money Whilst blackmail demands are more varied.
  • nothing really. iguess poeple wanted a snazzy, cliche word
  • Blackmail is a threat to reveal information unless paid. Extortion is a threat of violence unless paid.
  • Blackmail is an illegal demand based on something wrong or embarrassing, usually sexual, that you have done. Extortion is usually done to those who are completely innocent of any wrongdoing, such as a thug demanding payment for not throwing rocks through a store window.
  • Blackmail:- is the crime of threatening to reveal something true (or imagined as true). Extortion:- refers to unlawfully obtaining (or attempting to obtain) money, property or services from a person, entity, or institution, through coercion. Coercion:- is the act of making someone behave in an way that they would not normally act, by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. "Give me $5.00, or I will tell your mum I saw you playing with yourself (or show a picture etc)", would be blackmail. "Give me $5.00 or I will hit you (or someone else)", is extortion. "I demand/ want you go and hit that person", (with or without a reward), is coercion. I hope the examples help.
  • In addition to the previous answer extortion refers more specifically to an abuse of power because of one's office or authority. As stated blackmail is the threat to release information true or untrue ---- regardless of a preceived position of authority because of office held.
  • The terms "extortion" and "blackmail" are terms routinely used interchangeably, but they are distinct concepts. Extortion means forcing someone to do something, usually give up something valuable under threats of injury, death or other illegal harm. Blackmail means specifically obtaining something of value under the threat to disclose something shameful or disreputable about a person. This can be true even if it would not have been illegal to simply make the reputation-damaging information public.

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