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  • just chill ;), someone will recognize you for who you are and thats what you want, rushing things will only make you look desperate and you wont be able to experience all the different stages of the relationship, so just take your time ;)
  • The last thing you want right now is to start a relationship. Go to college, and enjoy yourself. Once your in college, you'll find that you won't even want a relationship for a while.
  • Geez you're so young to think about that! Just enjoy your youth. Remember, you're only young once. After that, you're old forever.
  • listen to most of the advise that u read earlier but really love has a mind of its own you gotta let it do its on cousre you cant control it and you cant choose who you will fall for just do what u gotta do and eventually time will take its place and you will get what youve been looking for lol one step at a time ok take care lol

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