• i would just go up 2 him and b like dude do u like me?
  • Well since i am one of those shy guys. who is afraid to walk up and talk sometimes, i should be able to tell a bit. Simply if he looks over a lot and then when you look back he looks away as if he was doing nothing. (especially if after that he smiles) If he seems fidgety when you walk anywhere near him. If he seems louder when you can see and hear him. (showing off a bit) Hope that helps! Good luck (if you need it!) :OD
  • I do tend to be shy around someone if I like them. My attitude will change when I'm in a more public situation- if I'm alone with the person, then I'll be very open and focus all my attention on them, but if there are a lot of people around, I will kind of shrink back and hope that they will follow, which might seem pathetic to a lot of people, but if you're interested in a shy guy and he's not joining in group discussions, it may mean that he wants to be alone with you. Shyness might prevent me from making open conversation, but I will still make eye contact and smile as much as possible. making light physical contact with their arms, hands, shoulders- nothing too forward! maybe a pat on the head or ruffle their hair. I hope that helps a little.
  • Just write a note or myspace him lol.
  • Just initiate a conversation with him about something neutral, and see how he responds to you. A good sign is if they continue to remain interested regardless of what you're talking about. He is bound to give himself away through obvious signals at this point. You couuld even try a neutral arm touch or something in combination with laughter or whatever, and see his reaction. Should be obvious city.

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