• Yup, same principles apply to "With all due respect"!
  • Yes, it's a very over used phrase.
  • I'm guilty of using it at times. I guess what I'm trying to say when using it is "Brace yourself, you might not like what you're about to hear but here goes:" It's shorter for me : )
  • It does make me occasionally wonder that maybe whenever they don't preface what they say with, "To be honest with you", they aren't being honest with me.
  • wow that is weird cause i was at work today and i was just gonna ask this question but in diffrent words.what does to be honest with yuou really mean,cause when someone tells you this there not relly being honest are they.I hear it all of the time but when u say it means something completly different.
  • No, I just think they're wordy or need a few seconds to think, or it's an expression they use out of habit. "Fraaaankly", does the same thing.
  • I used to use it until I wondered if people would be thinking I'm not being honest the rest of the time.
  • Never thought about that. But I always say this phrase, because I am always honest, which isnt always a good thing.
  • No, I don't question the honesty, I just think it's going to be what I don't want to hear. "To be honest, I never really liked that dress on you anyway". (or something)
  • I might not have worried about it at all until they said this. Now I'm wondering what they were all the other times.
  • It means be quiet and give me your full attention because it's essential to my self-esteem. If you don't listen and agree with me then I'll have to hate you because otherwise I would have to hate myself, but I do anyway. ___magicalmarty gee mail

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